On August 10, 2024, a dramatic and tragic turn of events unfolded in the popular television show *Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti*. The day’s episode revealed the shocking death of Bhagwati, one of the key characters, at the hands of Mohini and Beera. The incident left the Kashyap family devastated, and the show took an intense turn with this unforeseen tragedy.
The episode begins with Mohini subtly executing her sinister plan. She discreetly breaks Shakti’s safety thread, a protective charm, and replaces it with a simple thread to avoid raising Shakti’s suspicions. Satisfied with her deception, Mohini quietly leaves the room, taking the real safety thread with her. Later, Shakti wakes up to the sound of rattling windows. Alarmed by the sudden noise, she notices that the heavy wind is causing the plants outside to move violently. The ominous weather stirs a sense of foreboding in Shakti, and she wonders if it is a sign of something terrible about to happen. In her unease, she decides to check on her loved ones, specifically Shiv and Bhagwati.
Shakti rushes to Bhagwati’s room, only to find the door locked. She calls out to Bhagwati, urging her to open the door, but receives no response. Growing more anxious, Shakti peers through the window and is horrified to see Bhagwati hanging from the ceiling, wrapped in the deadly coils of a serpent. Desperate, she bangs on the door and cries out for Dadi. Her frantic cries soon draw the attention of the family members, including Shiv, who arrives at the scene with Keertan.
Together, Shiv and Keertan force the door open and rush to Bhagwati’s aid. They find Bhagwati lying lifeless on the floor. In a state of shock and grief, Shiv checks Bhagwati’s pulse, only to confirm the worst—Bhagwati is dead. The family is plunged into sorrow, unable to comprehend the sudden loss. Shakti, however, is convinced that Bhagwati has been murdered. She insists that a snake is responsible for the death, but her claims are dismissed by the others. Shiv, overwhelmed with grief, refuses to believe that a snake could have been involved, as all the doors were securely closed.
As the family grapples with their grief, Mohini watches from a distance, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. Shakti’s suspicions remain, but she struggles to convince the others, who are too distraught to listen. Meanwhile, a flashback reveals the gruesome events leading to Bhagwati’s death. Mohini had confronted Bhagwati earlier, holding Shiv at knifepoint. She demanded to know the location of the Nagmani, a mystical gem of great power. Despite the threat to Shiv’s life, Bhagwati remained silent. In a show of ruthlessness, Mohini cut Shiv’s hand, warning that she would kill him if Bhagwati did not reveal the truth.
Unable to bear the sight of Shiv being harmed, Bhagwati finally spoke. She informed Mohini that half of the Nagmani was hidden in their Mandir and that only Shivpur Babaji knew the location of the other half. At this revelation, Beera, who had been impersonating Shiv, revealed his true identity and confessed to having killed Shivpur Babaji. However, Mohini and Beera remained unconvinced that Bhagwati had told them everything. Believing she still knew more about the Nagmani, Beera transformed into his snake form and wrapped himself around Bhagwati’s neck, suspending her from the ceiling fan.
As Bhagwati struggled to breathe, her life hanging by a thread, Shakti arrived at her door. Sensing that their secret was in danger of being exposed, Mohini and Beera decided to eliminate Bhagwati once and for all. In his snake form, Beera tightened his grip, choking the life out of Bhagwati.
Elsewhere, Koyal, another family member, received a phone call from Nandu, who broke the news of Bhagwati’s death. Overcome with grief, Koyal broke down and, along with Dharam, rushed to Kashyap Niwas to be with the family.
Back at Kashyap Niwas, the situation took another turn as the police arrived, having been called by Mohini. She informed Shiv that she had summoned the authorities because Shakti believed Bhagwati had been murdered. The police were led to Bhagwati’s body by Keertan, while Mohini remained confident that Shakti’s suspicions would soon be dismissed.
The episode ended on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers in suspense as they pondered what would happen next. The death of Bhagwati marked a significant twist in the story, setting the stage for more drama and intrigue in the episodes to come.