On August 1, 2024, the television show “Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein” took a dramatic turn as intense confrontations and courtroom battles unfolded. The episode began with Milind confronting Rajat about a private video of Aman and Mrunmayi that had been leaked online. Milind accused Aman of leaking the video, but Aman denied the allegations, pleading with Rajat to believe him. Rajat, trusting Aman, assured him not to worry.
Savi then questioned who might have leaked the video if not Aman. The story shifted to Lucky, who discovered Aman’s laptop left open while Aman was asleep. Lucky, seeing a video of Aman and Mrunmayi, decided to tamper with it for his benefit. He altered the video to make it appear as if Mrunmayi was romantically involved with him instead. Proud of his handiwork, Lucky showed the doctored video to his friends, who praised him for his cleverness.
Milind, determined to see Aman punished, declared he would send Aman to jail. Savi criticized Rajat for supporting Aman and announced her intention to testify against him in court, questioning his capability as a father. The following day in court, the judge called for the lawyers to present their cases. Rajat’s lawyer argued against granting Ashika custody of their daughter, Saisha, citing that Ashika had abandoned Saisha when she was just six months old. Ashika’s lawyer countered, accusing Rajat’s family of torturing Ashika, which forced her to leave.
Ashika’s lawyer further argued that Rajat had no time for Saisha, a fact evident on social media. After hearing both sides, the judge decided to consider Saisha’s preference. She ordered Ashika’s lawyer to bring Saisha to her chamber for questioning.
In a private conversation, Ashika urged Saisha to tell the judge she wanted to stay with her mother, promising they would go wherever Saisha liked. However, Saisha remained silent. The judge, ensuring Saisha was comfortable, asked her to choose between her parents. To everyone’s surprise, Saisha expressed her desire to stay with Savi.
The judge then asked Savi to explain her relationship with Saisha. Savi spoke about the two types of relationships: those of blood and those of the heart. She described her bond with Saisha as one of the heart, highlighting their deep connection since their first meeting. Savi admitted that while blood relations are often valued more, she pleaded with the judge to consider what was best for Saisha.
The judge, moved by Savi’s testimony, decided to take more time before making a final decision. She announced that in the next hearing, Saisha would be questioned again, and Savi’s opinion would also be considered.
As the episode concluded, a precap hinted at further developments. Raju suggested to Shantanu that arranging a marriage between Savi and Rajat would be beneficial.
The courtroom drama and personal conflicts in “Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein” continue to captivate viewers, leaving them eagerly anticipating the next episode. The complex relationships and moral dilemmas faced by the characters reflect the show’s ability to weave intricate storylines that keep its audience engaged. As the characters navigate their challenges, the viewers are left to ponder what will happen next and how justice and love will ultimately prevail.