On August 26, 2024, tensions continued to rise among the characters in the popular show Parineetii. The episode began with Parineet apologizing to Babli. Parineet was deeply upset because she couldn’t prevent Babli’s engagement. She asked Babli if she wanted to marry Daljeet, and Babli responded with a firm “no.” Despite Parineet’s efforts, she felt powerless in stopping the engagement. Vickram soon informed Babli that her driver had arrived, signaling the end of their conversation. Before leaving, Parineet asked Babli to call her when she was free, indicating that she wanted to discuss something important related to work.
As the scene shifted, Gurpreet offered sweets to Parineet, but Parineet declined, stating that she didn’t like sweets. This interaction hinted at the underlying stress Parineet was dealing with. Later, Daima confided in Parineet, expressing her concerns about Neeti, whom she described as a cunning person. Daima warned Parineet to be cautious around Neeti. Parineet assured Daima that she wouldn’t let Neeti get the better of her.
That night, Parineet had a disturbing nightmare about Babli. The dream left her shaken. Upon waking, she noticed a mysterious figure running out of her room. Parineet quickly followed the person but was unable to catch them. The next day, Neeti questioned Parminder about her involvement with Parineet. Parminder, caught off guard, denied any knowledge. She assured Neeti that she wasn’t part of any conspiracy and expressed her desire to see Parineet return safely. However, Neeti wasn’t convinced and warned Parminder before storming off. Parminder, though, remained firm, giving a stern reply that highlighted her courage in standing up to Neeti. Neeti, taken aback by Parminder’s newfound boldness, realized that things were changing rapidly since Parineet’s return.
In a shocking turn of events, Parineet managed to catch the person who had been sneaking around her room. When she removed the mask, she was horrified to discover that it was Daljeet. Meanwhile, Neeti had another confrontation, this time with Gurinder, where she inquired about Sanju’s whereabouts. Gurinder casually mentioned that Sanju was at home, but Neeti pressed further, reminding her of their plan to control Parminder. Gurinder, however, seemed confused and asked if something had happened to Neeti, implying that Neeti’s obsession with Parminder was becoming irrational. Neeti insisted that Parminder had been speaking out against her and suggested that they should change Parminder’s doctor to ensure she wouldn’t pose any more threats.
As Parineet continued to process the shock of discovering Daljeet in her room, Daljeet quickly concocted a lie and managed to escape, leaving Parineet to wonder if he was trying to steal something. Meanwhile, Sanju visited a place that held special significance for him and Parineet. He found himself caught in a web of conflicting emotions, struggling to reconcile his feelings for both Parineet and Parvathi. He was confused, torn between his heart and mind. Ultimately, he convinced himself that Parvathi was not Parineet, though the distinction grew blurrier with each passing moment.
Daljeet later reported to Neeti that Sanju was not at Parineet’s house. He admitted that he had searched for something to prove that Parineet and Parvathi were the same person but found nothing. When Sanju returned, he scolded Daljeet for not completing a task he had assigned earlier. Daljeet tried to explain that he had been busy with his engagement, but Sanju was unimpressed, chastising him for making excuses. Neeti tried to defend Daljeet, but Sanju brushed her off, making it clear that he wasn’t interested in her support. Frustrated, Neeti offered to drop Sanju off at the bank. As they talked, she subtly questioned him about where he had been, but Sanju dismissed her concerns, insisting it wasn’t important.
Meanwhile, Parineet’s worry about Babli’s impending marriage grew stronger. She confided in Daima, stating that she was determined to stop the wedding at any cost. Parineet was even willing to change her identity if necessary. Daima, however, cautioned her against falling into Neeti’s trap, warning that Neeti was manipulating the situation to her advantage. Despite the risks, Parineet felt she had no other choice but to proceed with her plan, driven by her deep love and concern for her sister.
As the episode drew to a close, Parineet was overwhelmed with guilt for keeping secrets from Ambika. Daima tried to console her, offering words of comfort. Parineet then offered to drop Daima off at the bank. At the same time, Neeti and Sanju arrived at the bank, where Neeti took the opportunity to express how much Sanju meant to her. Just as Neeti was pouring her heart out, Parineet arrived, and their paths crossed. The encounter was awkward, with Parineet accidentally bumping into Sanju. Neeti, observing the interaction, couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, setting the stage for further drama.
The episode ended on a tense note, leaving viewers eager to see how these tangled relationships would unfold in the coming days.
Episode ends.