
Palworld Announces Job Opening for Comic Artist

Palworld Announces Job Opening for Comic Artist
Palworld Announces Job Opening for Comic Artist [Image via: Palworld Twitter Handle]

Palworld Announces Job Opening for Comic Artist: Palworld, the popular game developer, has announced a job opening for a comic artist. The announcement was made via their official Twitter account on March 14, 2024.


Job Description

Palworld is looking for a talented individual who can bring the cuteness and fun of Pals, the game’s characters, to life in comic form. The selected artist will start off with one-off requests, providing them with an opportunity to showcase their creativity and understanding of the Palworld universe.

Application Process

Interested candidates are requested to send a simple self-introduction and a Palworld-themed comic. The comic can be a rough draft or a published work. Applications can be sent by replying to the tweet or through a direct message (DM) to Palworld’s Twitter account.

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Application Deadline

The deadline for applications is March 31st. Following the review of applications, the selected candidate will be contacted via DM.

This job opening represents a unique opportunity for comic artists to contribute to the Palworld universe and engage with its vibrant community. Palworld has expressed its appreciation for the support of its community and looks forward to welcoming a new member to its team.

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Jennifer, the Associate Games Editor at INN News, came on board in 2020. After earning her Journalism degree from university, she spent four years as a freelancer. She’s your go-to for coverage on everything from CoD and Apex Legends to Genshin Impact and Monster Hunter. To reach out, drop an email to Jennifer at [email protected].