Oppositions divided into the European rearmament plan

In Brussels at the Prevertex of the PSE Elly Schlein It brings all the doubts of the PD to the Resto Plan Von der Leyen and stops the use of cohesion funds.
On the defense of Ukraine, the EU is committed to the table for a right peace, premature but for Elly Schlein Thinking about Italian soldiers albeit on a mission of Peacekeeping. Then the lunge on Meloni and the divisions of the majority: “shameful his mutism on the line in the Council and the blackmail of Trump”. Very hard too Giuseppe Conte: “We learn that Meloni finds 50 billion for weapons and has found nothing for healthcare the schools” the leaders M5S is determined to desert the Pro Europa square.
The same line of AVS that instead in the square will be with the flags for peace.
The yes to the rearmament comes from action and +Europe with Riccardo Magi which ironizes on the divisions of the majority: “Which line will bring Giorgia Meloni At the EU summit? That of Tajani favorable, that of Salvini Contoria, or his. That Meloni will make one xo 2. The common defense for Matteo Renzi but sound rejection of Ursula von der leyen. Not suitable for govern large strategic plans

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.