In a congress of a party turned into a Palmer bunker of the re -elected general secretary of the Balearic PSOE, Francina Armengol, the socialist mayor of Inca, Virgilio Morenohas unmarked the sectarianism of the also president of the Congress of Deputies, affirming in her speech at a dialogue table on housing that «Not everything on the other side is bad ».
Moreno has thus defended the use of housing measures launched by the PP of the PP of Marga Prohens that applies in your municipality but what His party criticizes viscerally at the Parliament.
«Because not everything that comes from the other side is bad. Although we do not commune with them and we are opposed in many ideological issues, there are others that have to be valued from the practical »has sustained in the third of the dialogue tables, with the house as a theme of debate, which has been held within the XV Congress of the PSIB-PSOE and in which she has been accompanied by the president of the Palma XXI association, Cristina Llorente.
«In Inca we did not flee from reality And what we do is work with those who govern to have public housing», Moreno added.
Among other issues, the Decree Law of Housing Emergency has allowed in this town the granting of more than 25 licenses to transform commercial premises into homes, thus offering a viable solution for many families and owners with disuse stores.
Llorente, meanwhile, has wondered “At what price and under what conditions” The Decrees of the Government intend to expedite the construction of affordable homes. According to their analysis, the proposed measures open the door to build real estate without being rigged to the creation of new equipment or without guaranteeing public services corresponding to the increase in population density.
That, he has considered, “would end up reducing people’s quality of life.” «We have to consider whether we are really solving a problem or if we are creating others. The answer can end up favoring those who need it least, ”he stressed.
In the coming weeks, Llorente, the Fòrum of the Civil Societ (of which Palma XXI is part) will publish a serious housing proposals “that can be useful for the municipalities” has announced.
Last Sunday without going any further, Armengol lashed out against housing measures launched by the Government of Marga Prohens stating that the socialists “worries us, and much, that the current wvern of the current rights, far from making new public housing promotions to allocate to rent or run prices to generate a reorganization effect of the market, has decided to bet on consuming more territory and dedicate it to use more territory and dedicate it to use more territory speculative ».
The main spokesman for the Balearic PSOE whose interventionist and protectionist policiesS In territorial matters during the two past legislatures they fired the real estate market of the islands until it became the most expensive in Spain expelling the residents of access to a home, he came to affirm that in the Balearic Islands now, when the socialists do not govern, ““It is urgent to govern for the majority and not for the interests of a minority privileged, which must understand that there is no progress if it does not include everyone ».