Mónica García will try again to approve the Public Health Agency

The Minister of Health, Mónica García, has assured that the department he directs will take the Congress of Deputies again the bill for the creation of the State Public Health Agency (AESAP), after it has been rejected in the plenary with the votes against PP, Vox and Junts. But now you will raise more alternatives Bold that dodge new controls and power impose to the Director of the Emergency and Sanitary Alert Coordination Center during the Covid pandemic, Fernando Simónlike its director.

The head of Health has proposed a strategy that could avoid passing through the Senate for the creation of the agency. The intention is to bring the project first to COnso de Minisrosopen a deadline for The amendments and return it directly to the CCongress Health omissionaccelerating its approval without the need to go through the usual process of the upper house.

But at the bottom of all this new planning is to take the Director of the Emergency Coordination and Health Alerts during the COVID Pandemic, to its direction, Fernando Simón. The one who was during the pandemic the only expert in pandemics, except for former Minister Salvador Illa and the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has pointed out that the future agency needs «credibility“And he has recorded that he” never “would accept this expensive if the position of director” is chosen by finger “, but the most unlikely is already born the future agency with the finger on his name.

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The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, wants to recognize The lousy management of the COVID giving away Fernando Simó the Public Health Agency. However, its leadership has been subject to intense criticism due to the chaotic initial response and the lack of preparation in many key aspects. From the delay in confinement measures to the shortage of protection equipment, which increased the magnitude of the tragedy. The lack of coordination and erroneous decisions during the first weeks left a difficult brand to erase in The fight against Covid in Spain.

The Plenary of the Congress of Deputies rejected this week, the bill to create the State Public Health Agency (AESAP), which will force its processing from scratch. The opinion, which had been approved in commission with the only vote against Vox, has now been dejected in the plenary of the Chamber because PP and Junts No in protest of the Government’s veto to a series of amendments referring to another standard have been protest.

Specifically, the agency has fallen with 176 votes against the 167 that have added the PSOE, add and the rest of parliamentary allies, and two abstentions.

Fernando Simón, present in the plenary

To not have intention of be a finger directorhis presence in the Plenary of Congress, he pointed out a priori the opposite. During his speech, Mónica García, defended the work he did in the pandemic the director of the Emergency and Sanitary Artes Center (CCAES), Fernando Simón, who does not rule out presiding over the new agency.

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However, the PP deputy María del Mar Vázquezhe has doubted the independence of the agency, while assuring that «It will end up being a beach bar ». «We are going if before this agency is born we already know the one who runs as director of it, Fernando Simón. The spokesman for institutional lies, the government’s puppet that disguised science the instructions he received, ”he said the ‘popular’.

At this point the deputy of Vox has coincided, David Garcia, who has described Fernando Simón as “Puppet” of the government during the pandemic of Covid. «This agency said that it could become a beach bar to place their own and we were not wrong. The infamous Mr. Fernando Simón, here present, a funess spokesman for the Government of Sánchez during the pandemic, which acknowledged having witnessed flagrant lies by this government, now postulates as a candidate to direct this agency, ”said the deputy.

Matute censures García’s “aggressiveness”

The Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid, Fatima Matutehe stressed this Friday that, although the State Agency for Public Health is “necessary”, there are “work a little more » The project for its creation and has loaded against “the forms and aggressiveness” of the Minister of Health, Mónica García, during her speech in Congress.

“Absolutely, We agree that it is necessarybut you have to work a little more. The technicians still needed some things to be changed and that is why it was the reason not to approve it, ”said the head of Madrid’s Health after rejection in the Plenary Session of the Congress of Deputies this Thursday to the bill to create the State Agency for Public Health (AESAP).

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After rejecting the opinion that had been approved in commission with the only vote against Vox, the State Public Health Agency It must begin again with the presentation of a new bill the Government or with a proposal of the law of the parliamentary groups.

Speaking to the media, the Madrid counselor has also lamented the intervention of the Minister of Health during the Plenary, in which she recalled that the pandemic «caught with his foot changed » and “with the radars off”, something that “cannot happen again”, to justify the creation of the organism.

Thus, Matute has censored the “dressing of the forms and aggressiveness of a minister who seems to be opposed to the Community of Madrid instead of governing for the health of all Spaniards.” “It was a very sad show to see the aggressive minister presenting the public health agency,” he added, with “a speech in which he uses the mantras of opposition to the Community of Madrid, which the truth is that they are sorry” instead of saying “what good things” wants to do.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.