How to pull a new houseplant

The Philodendron is represented with around 500 species. The easy -care houseplants can be reproduced quite easily. How to proceed.

So that a philodendron feels comfortable with them, you don’t necessarily need a green thumb. Have you wondered how you can multiply the uncomplicated beginner plant? Read in the text how you simply use new plants.

It can be Climbing and creeping species distinguish the aron stable plant. In climbing plants, they are particularly easy to increase by cuttings. In a few simple steps, you have created the basis for a strong young plant.

Choose a healthy and strong instinct. This should have at least two to three leaves. So that the mother plant takes as little as possible, separate the instinct with a sharp knife, which creates a smooth cutting edge.

In order for a cutting to grow well, it should be 15 centimeters long be and have two leaf nodes. Ideally, he has a leaf node, a leaf leaf and a knot air root. Leaves that are located directly above the interface should remove so that they do not start to be lazy.

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The easiest way to root the cuttings of the Philodendron plant in a water glass. Make sure that there is always enough water and change the liquid regularly. After one to two months Strong roots have formed.

The rooted cuttings put them in green plants. One Cover made of glass or foil Creates a microclimate and favors the growth of the cutting. Temperatures around 25 degrees Celsius are ideal for quick root formation. The early summer is recommended for the multiplication of cuttings.

If you have a creeping philodendron, it is Multification more difficult And should be left to a specialist. The increase in the plugs described does not work with these plants. Cutting measures can lead to the dying of the sensitive mother plant.

A relatively safe measure in these types of the Aron rod plants is the stabilizer. The tribe of the plants is cut and filled with Sphagnum-Moos. The trunk forms roots at the interface. The resulting young plant is separated from the mother plant and planted together with the moss.

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Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at