On August 26, 2024, tensions were high in the lives of Megha and her family. The episode begins with a heated argument between Goldie, Surendar, and Ranjeeta. Goldie is furious at Surendar and Ranjeeta, accusing them of being disconnected from reality. She believes Megha is the one who will suffer the most because of their actions. Surendar, however, believes that Megha needs to be brave and face the challenges that society throws at her. Megha, witnessing the argument, asks everyone to calm down, saying she would be devastated if her family continues to fight like this. Overwhelmed, she leaves, deeply upset by the situation.
As Megha reflects on the events, she remembers a conversation with Arjun, where he revealed that Manoj, Megha’s husband, hadn’t applied for her visa. This realization leaves her in tears. Meanwhile, Arjun is also troubled, thinking about the words Megha had said to him.
Later, Megha receives a call from Manoj, who informs her that he has arranged her visa. As she prepares to leave the house with her luggage, Surendar stops her, warning her that he won’t allow her to become another victim, like Jassi. However, Megha soon realizes that this confrontation was just a dream when she is abruptly awakened by her phone ringing. The call is from Arjun, but she chooses to ignore it.
The next day, Goldie advises Megha to talk to Manoj. When Manoj video calls Megha, the conversation quickly turns tense. He accuses Megha of sending Arjun’s men to attack him, which Megha denies. Manoj then lies to her, claiming that he lost the money he had invested in his business. He explains that he had hoped Megha would understand his situation, which is why he hadn’t told her the truth earlier.
Megha, puzzled, asks Manoj why he lied about the 15 lakh rupees. Manoj responds by saying that their marriage might not have happened if he had told her the truth from the beginning. He assures her that he will repay the loan and won’t let anyone disturb her. Manoj also points out that Megha’s family is powerful, so he wouldn’t want to get on their bad side.
Megha, still confused, questions Manoj about why he hadn’t applied for her visa. Manoj, in response, tells her that his life has been a living hell, and he couldn’t bring her into that situation. He promises to come back for her during Diwali. Manoj pleads with Megha to trust him once again. Megha, however, ends the call without giving him an answer. She then asks Ranjeeta where Arjun is, and Ranjeeta informs her that he is at the police station.
Later, Megha meets Arjun outside the police station and reminds him that she had asked him not to interfere in her personal matters. She is furious at Arjun for allegedly sending his men to beat up Manoj, who is now in the hospital. Arjun, however, denies the accusation, insisting that Manoj is lying. He tells Megha that she is blinded by her love for Manoj and is unable to see the truth. Arjun also points out that he is not a thug who would send men to beat someone up. He asks Megha which hospital Manoj is admitted to, and when she is unable to answer, she realizes she hadn’t asked Manoj about it. Arjun advises Megha to find out the truth for herself. Megha, shaken by this revelation, leaves. Ranjeeta, feeling embarrassed, apologizes to Arjun on Megha’s behalf, but Arjun reassures her that he understands Megha’s situation.
Goldie, still concerned, advises Megha to focus on saving her marriage. Surendar, however, remains skeptical of Manoj and warns Megha not to trust him. Despite the conflicting advice, Megha makes a bold decision. She tells her family that she has decided to go to Georgia, a choice that could change everything.
The episode concludes with Megha’s announcement, leaving her family and viewers in suspense about what will happen next. The complexity of Megha’s situation, the conflicting advice from those around her, and her ultimate decision to go to Georgia sets the stage for more drama and intense moments in the upcoming episodes. As Megha prepares to face new challenges, the question remains whether she will find the strength to overcome them or if her decisions will lead to further complications in her life.
Episode ends.