On August 24, 2024, an intense series of events unfolded in the life of Megha, leading to significant emotional turmoil. The day began with a confrontation where Sadanand pushed Surendar, creating tension in the air. Megha’s family arrived at the scene shortly after, and Ranjeeta quickly helped Surendar to his feet, suggesting they return to their home. However, Surendar was adamant about not leaving without his money, causing further stress. Megha, noticing the growing tension, tried to calm Surendar down, but he insisted on speaking with Manoj directly.
At that moment, Megha’s phone rang, and she noticed it was a video call from Manoj. Answering the call, Manoj explained that he had been busy with back-to-back shifts, which is why he hadn’t been able to answer her previous calls. He apologized sincerely for the inconvenience. However, Surendar urged Megha to ask Manoj about the money he owed. Manoj greeted Surendar briefly before Sadanand informed him of Surendar’s aggressive behavior. Confused, Manoj asked Megha what was going on.
Megha, feeling cornered, revealed that 10 lakhs had been deducted from her account, and she had discovered that Manoj had taken a 15 lakh loan in her name. She directly asked Manoj if he knew anything about it. Manoj, seemingly caught off guard, admitted that he had taken a loan in her name and assured her that he still had her 10 lakhs. Megha, now filled with a mix of betrayal and confusion, asked why he hadn’t told her about it earlier. Manoj responded that he would explain everything once she arrived in Georgia. He expressed feeling insulted that Surendar suspected him and reaffirmed his love for Megha, explaining that he had dreams for their future together. He promised to clear up all her doubts when she came to Georgia and asked if she, too, doubted him. Megha, despite her inner turmoil, assured Manoj that she trusted him. Manoj thanked her for her trust, promised to protect their family, and then abruptly ended the call.
After the call, Kavita, visibly irritated, sarcastically asked Megha’s family if they were happy now before taking Sadanand inside the house. Megha, overwhelmed and confused, decided to leave with her family. Later, as she pondered over the events, she realized she needed to track her visa application but didn’t have the tracking number. Seeking help, she approached Ranjeeta, who suggested that she take Kirpal along. However, Megha, determined to handle the situation on her own, decided to go alone. She left on her scooty, her mind flooded with memories of the moments she had shared with Manoj.
Upon arriving at Arjun’s house, Megha was greeted by a servant who told her to wait. Soaked from the rain and sneezing, she patiently waited, hoping to speak with Arjun. Meanwhile, back at home, Goldie expressed concern to Ranjeeta about Megha going alone, fearing Surendar’s reaction if he found out. Ranjeeta attempted to reach Megha by phone but received no response, adding to the growing sense of unease.
Inside Arjun’s house, Megha found solace in the house temple, praying silently. After a while, she went upstairs and found Arjun dancing, clearly taken aback by her unexpected visit. He asked her why she was there, and she explained that she had been waiting for over an hour. Arjun, surprised, said that no one had informed him about her arrival and asked what had happened. Megha, with a heavy heart, explained that she needed to know about her visa status. Without hesitation, Arjun called someone, provided Megha’s details, and asked them to check the visa status before hanging up.
Arjun, noticing Megha’s soaked clothes, suggested she change to avoid getting sick. Megha, feeling a bit embarrassed, apologized for ruining his house. However, Arjun insisted, saying he was only concerned about her health. Megha, trying to downplay the situation, said she would be fine. The tension between them was palpable, each lost in their thoughts as they waited for news about the visa.
Later, Arjun received a call, signaling that the situation was far from over, leaving both him and Megha in a state of uncertainty as the day drew to a close.
Episode ends.