On August 25th, 2024, in the popular series Mangal Lakshmi, tensions soared as Adit’s schemes against Mangal continued to unravel. The episode kicked off with Adit questioning Shanti, demanding proof of her accusations that Sowmya had tampered with the food by adding salt. Akshat, eager to resolve the matter, revealed that he had a hidden camera in the kitchen. He had placed it there to monitor the sprouts for his science project, but it conveniently captured more than he had anticipated. Confident that the footage would unveil the culprit, Akshat rushed to retrieve the camera.
However, when Akshat brought the camera, Adit immediately took hold of it. Kusum, sensing the importance of the situation, intervened and took the camera from Adit, asking Akshat to show her how to play the video. Unfortunately, the video failed to work, leaving everyone frustrated. Adit, attempting to downplay the situation, told Kusum not to worry and dismissed the issue by offering to get ice cream for the children.
As Adit left to get the ice cream, he reflected on his constant failures against Mangal. Despite his meticulous planning, nothing seemed to go his way. On his way back, he noticed a bouquet of flowers discarded in a trash can. Adit decided to give these flowers to Mangal, perhaps as a way to shift his luck. When he returned home, he handed out the ice creams and presented the bouquet to Mangal. This gesture earned him praise from Mannan and Kusum, who saw it as a romantic move. However, Sowmya, visibly upset, left the scene.
The next day, as the day of Mannan and Sowmya’s wedding approached, Adit was still determined to stop the marriage. Early in the morning, Akshat complained to Mangal about being woken up too soon. Mangal explained that it was an important day because of the wedding. Meanwhile, Kusum offered Akshat a glass of milk, which he refused because of its unusual color. Kusum, unbothered, asked Adit to drink it instead. Adit obliged, only to realize that the milk contained rose petal powder. As he drank, he noticed that the bouquet he had given Mangal was missing from the vase and feared that Kusum had used the discarded flowers from the trash. Feeling nauseous at the thought, Adit was later relieved to learn that Kusum had not used those flowers after all.
Mangal warned Akshat to be cautious, reminding him that if he got hurt, he wouldn’t be able to attend the wedding. This sparked an idea in Adit’s mind. Seizing the opportunity, Adit sneaked into Mannan’s room while Mannan was in the washroom. Adit poured oil on the floor, hoping to cause an accident. He then hid behind the door, waiting for his plan to unfold. However, before Mannan could slip, Mangal entered the room and noticed the oil. She immediately warned Mannan to be careful. Mannan, confused, questioned where all the oil had come from. Adit, pretending to have just arrived, asked Mangal what had happened. Mangal explained the situation, and Adit, still playing his part, suggested that Mangal clean up the mess quickly. Mangal agreed and began to clean the floor.
Later, Adit contacted Sowmya to discuss their failed plan. Sowmya, clearly frustrated, urged Adit to come up with another solution. Adit, feeling cornered, suggested that Sowmya should run away. But Sowmya refused, rejecting the idea outright. The conversation escalated into an argument, with Adit finally declaring that their relationship was over. He abruptly ended the call, but immediately began to worry about Sowmya’s wellbeing, fearing that she might harm herself.
The episode ended on a tense note, with Adit deeply concerned about the potential consequences of his harsh words to Sowmya. The events of the day left viewers wondering what Adit’s next move would be and whether his relentless efforts to disrupt the wedding would eventually succeed. Mangal, on the other hand, continued to prove herself as a formidable opponent, always one step ahead in thwarting Adit’s plans. The drama, deceit, and high stakes kept the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next twist in the ongoing saga.
Episode ends.