The events of August 9, 2024, brought startling revelations for Janvi in the ongoing drama “Main Hoon Saath Tere.” The episode began with Anushka pretending to be asleep on the couch while Janvi entered the room, noticing that Aryaman had fallen asleep there. Anushka explained that Aryaman had been telling a story to Kian and fell asleep in the process. Janvi, concerned, suggested waking Aryaman, but Anushka, noticing his fatigue, urged Janvi to let him sleep. When Janvi questioned how all four of them could sleep in the same room, Anushka offered to sleep on the couch, allowing Janvi to take the bed. Janvi agreed and settled down to sleep.
As the night progressed, Anushka pretended to cough, drawing Janvi’s concern. Janvi asked if she was alright, and Anushka replied that she just needed some water. However, the water was finished, so Janvi left the room to fetch more. While she was gone, Anushka quickly locked the door from the inside. When Janvi returned, she found herself locked out and asked Anushka to open the door. Anushka pretended to struggle with the lock, claiming it was stuck. Despite Janvi’s pleas, Anushka suggested waking Aryaman, but Janvi insisted she would stay outside for the night. Anushka, satisfied, poured water on the couch to fake her discomfort and then lay on the bed with Aryaman and Kian, silently declaring her rightful place in the house, believing no one could take it away from her.
The following day, Janvi realized that Anushka’s lockout meant she couldn’t perform the final Pooja. Determined, Janvi decided to conduct the Pooja herself, praying earnestly for Kian’s well-being. Amidst this, Janvi noticed a call from Murali on Aryaman’s phone. Answering it, she found out that there was a serious issue; a woman had fallen down the stairs and was severely injured. Murali explained that since Suyesh and Brij Bhushan were out of town, he had called Aryaman. Janvi, taking charge, assured Murali she would come immediately.
Upon reaching the hotel, Janvi was shocked to discover that the injured woman was Sunita. Sunita was bleeding profusely, and Janvi quickly administered first aid by bandaging her wounds. Recognizing Sunita, Janvi informed Murali about her identity. Murali then revealed a shocking truth: Sunita was a thief. He showed Janvi various stolen items found in Sunita’s purse, including a master key card, and suggested they call the police. However, Janvi stopped him, insisting that she would handle the situation.
After some time, Sunita regained consciousness. Janvi confronted her, explaining how she had saved her life and chose not to involve the police, despite the evidence of theft. Grateful, Sunita thanked Janvi for her kindness and mercy. Janvi, however, was more interested in how Sunita obtained the master key card. To her surprise, Sunita revealed that Anushka had given it to her. Shocked, Janvi questioned why Anushka would do such a thing.
Sunita then unraveled a series of lies that Anushka had been living. She confessed that Anushka was not the person she appeared to be. She wasn’t just a liar but a manipulative individual. Janvi, bewildered, asked Sunita to clarify her accusations. Swearing on her children, Sunita insisted she was telling the truth, revealing that Anushka had never been in a coma for five years. Instead, she had been living a secret life, attending modeling courses in Mumbai, using money she had borrowed and never repaid. Sunita had come to expose Anushka’s deceit, but Anushka had thwarted her at every turn.
According to Sunita, Anushka had even orchestrated a bizarre incident by disturbing a beehive to cause chaos in the house. While everyone was distracted, Anushka took Sunita to the storeroom and threatened her, forbidding her from revealing the truth to anyone. Anushka also allegedly made someone impersonate Nita Parekh to convince Janvi that she had been in a coma and was suffering from a heart disease. This revelation left Janvi utterly shocked and disturbed.
As the episode concluded, Janvi was left reeling from the shocking truths that Sunita had revealed. The lies and deceit that had been hidden for so long were now exposed, leaving Janvi questioning everything she thought she knew about Anushka. The drama continues to unfold, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next twist in the tale.