On August 7, 2024, the episode of “Maati Se Bandhi Dor” aired with a dramatic twist that left viewers on the edge of their seats. The story began with Rannvijay pleading to speak with Vaiju one last time. He confessed he had never accepted their relationship but begged for a chance to make amends. Rannvijay was tormented by guilt, believing Vaiju’s sacrifice was because of him. Desperately, he implored Vaiju to wake up.
Miraculously, tears flowed from Vaiju’s eyes, noticed by Jaya, who immediately alerted the doctor. The doctor declared it a miracle and swiftly moved Vaiju to the ICU. Rannvijay broke down in relief as the doctor announced that Vaiju was out of danger. Jaya expressed her gratitude to Rannvijay for not giving up on Vaiju.
The doctor advised keeping Vaiju under observation for another 24 hours. The family gathered around her, but Vaiju, disoriented, couldn’t recognize anyone and asked where she was. This unexpected reaction shocked everyone. Suddenly, Vaiju burst into laughter, revealing she was joking. Vasundhara, in a mix of relief and annoyance, insisted Vaiju come home with them, refusing to let her return to Jhumri Patan.
Vaiju inquired about Rannvijay, and Vasundhara reassured her he was fine and nearby. Rannvijay, observing from outside, offered a silent prayer of thanks. He confessed he couldn’t have lived with the guilt if something had happened to Vaiju. An inspector informed Rannvijay that they needed Vaiju’s statement to proceed with any action. However, Rannvijay refused to risk Vaiju’s safety again.
The family, seeing Vaiju asleep, decided to leave her to rest. Jaya insisted Rannvijay come home to eat and rest, reminding him he had donated blood. Rannvijay, still anxious, felt someone needed to stay with Vaiju. Jaikant volunteered to stay, allowing the others to return home. Meanwhile, Jaktab plotted another attack on Vaiju.
Rannvijay, troubled by memories of Vaiju saving him, couldn’t sleep. He expressed his unease to Jaya, feeling something bad was about to happen. His fears were realized when Jaktab entered the hospital with a gun, intending to kill Vaiju. Rannvijay, already at the hospital, alerted Vaiju and signaled her to stay quiet.
In a tense confrontation, Rannvijay managed to overpower Jaktab. Jaikant arrived to help subdue Jaktab, allowing Rannvijay to assist Vaiju back to bed. Vaiju, in tears, asked for Rannvijay’s forgiveness. She admitted she had wanted to leave his and Jaya’s lives forever, but fate kept bringing them together.
The episode ended with a heartfelt conversation between Vaiju and Rannvijay about their marriage. Despite the turmoil, their bond seemed to strengthen through the ordeal.
In the precap, Vaiju is seen denying the request to come to the Patel house, but Rannvijay and Jaya insist she join them. The unfolding drama promises more twists and emotional moments for the viewers of “Maati Se Bandhi Dor.”