The recent episode of Kumkum Bhagya, which aired on August 24, 2024, brought forward some intense developments in the ongoing drama. The story continues with Armaan showing Khushi a news report about RV and Neha’s pre-engagement ceremony. This news shocks Khushi, who confesses that she had a heated argument with Purvi before, leading to her rash decision to sever ties. Khushi admits that she spoke out of anger at the time and regrets her actions. Armaan encourages Khushi to confront Purvi and RV, telling them that what they are doing is wrong. He believes that if he were to intervene, RV might suspect he has ulterior motives related to business. Khushi agrees to speak to Purvi and RV, hoping to resolve the situation.
Meanwhile, RV apologizes to Purvi for having to go through with the pre-engagement ceremony. Purvi feels guilty and blames herself for the situation, explaining that she had dropped Neha at the bus stop, unaware of who convinced Neha to return and agree to marry RV. RV, although not outwardly showing it, confides in Purvi that he is scared of the situation. Purvi tries to comfort RV, urging him not to overthink the matter.
Jasbeer, on the other hand, is seen admiring Purvi’s photo. He receives a call from Monisha, who informs him that Purvi is suspicious of their interactions. Monisha urges Jasbeer to act quickly, suggesting that Raman be sent the next day. Jasbeer agrees to her plan.
As night falls, RV struggles to sleep, his mind plagued by the day’s events. Purvi, noticing his distress, tries to reassure him that everything will be okay. RV finds some comfort in Purvi’s words but remains anxious.
The following day, Purvi performs an aarti at the mandir, and the sound draws Harleen to the scene. However, Harleen is displeased to see Purvi there. Deepika and Dadi also arrive, and while Purvi offers them the aarti, she attempts to take their blessings. Harleen, however, stops her, accusing Purvi of trying to make up for her wrongdoings with religious gestures. Harleen blames Purvi for bringing trouble into their lives and admonishes her to stop pretending to be virtuous. Despite Purvi’s attempts to explain herself, she is ignored.
Harleen accuses Purvi of ruining RV’s life with her schemes and expresses her regret over the whole situation. Purvi, in turn, accepts Harleen’s anger and promises to try and fix the mess. Dadi, skeptical, questions how Purvi intends to solve the problem. Just then, Vaishali arrives, inquiring if Purvi has made another mistake. Harleen explains that Purvi claims she can resolve the issue, but Monisha interjects, stating that the situation has already spiraled out of control. Vaishali warns Purvi not to exacerbate their troubles with her plans, and Monisha agrees, advising Purvi to stay away from RV and Neha’s affairs. Purvi notices that RV has overheard the entire conversation and is leaving, looking distraught.
Later, RV overhears a lawyer discussing the case with Dada Ji and Harman. The lawyer mentions that the case is now in favor of Neha, thanks to Purvi’s announcement and RV’s engagement with Neha. He warns that any further mistakes could damage the family’s reputation. Dada Ji notices RV eavesdropping and calls him inside, but RV, deeply upset, refuses and walks away. Dada Ji is left feeling sorrowful at the sight of RV’s distress, while Harman tries to console him, saying that God will provide a way to help RV.
The episode ends on this tense note, leaving viewers wondering how these complications will unfold in the upcoming episodes.
Episode ends.