On August 7, 2024, tensions ran high at a local dance competition. Jhanak, one of the contestants, refused to drink juice before her performance. She opted for plain water instead. Unknown to her, the other contestants had spiked the juice with poison, hoping to sabotage her performance. However, the water given to her was also tampered with, and she noticed a bitter taste upon drinking it.
The competition began with Srishti inaugurating the event. She proudly watched her daughter, Arshi, whom she believed was destined to win. Srishti recounted Arshi’s accident, which had left her traumatized and considering giving up dance. Her public encouragement was aimed at boosting Arshi’s confidence.
Outside the venue, a scene unfolded between Anjana and her daughter, Appu. Anjana saw Appu talking to Lalan and questioned her about it. Appu expressed her affection for Lalan, despite her mother’s disapproval. She declared she wouldn’t listen to her parents anymore, accusing them of stifling her freedom. Shocked by Appu’s defiance, Anjana pleaded with Lalan to stay away from her daughter. Lalan, hurt by Anjana’s words, insisted he had no ill intentions and genuinely cared for Appu.
As Jhanak was called to the stage, both Arshi and Aniruddha were taken aback. Arshi believed Aniruddha knew Jhanak would be there, which was why he had persuaded her to attend. This revelation left Srishti worried about her reputation. Arshi, feeling overwhelmed by her mother’s constant control, decided to withdraw from the competition. She was furious that she hadn’t been informed about Jhanak’s participation. Despite the chaos, Srishti managed to calm Arshi and brought her back inside.
The episode ended on this tense note, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the next developments.