Is Holy Week holiday? Check out the dates of the break in 2025

THE Holy Week 2025 It will be celebrated in the third week of April. The Christian celebration recalls the last moments of the life of Jesus Christ, including his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection.

Every year, this event takes place between Ramos Sunday and Easter Sunday. However, this date is not fixed because its occurrence is linked to Lent, a period of 46 days starting on Ash Wednesday, right after Carnival.

Thus, in 2025, the Holy Week of this year will take place between April 13 and 20. It is worth remembering that the eight days of the celebration have a religious meaning according to the Catholic liturgy. Ramos Sunday, for example, represents the messianic entrance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

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Already in Monday, Tuesday and WednesdayMary’s gesture is remembered anointing the feet of Jesus, as well as the betrayal of Judas Iscariot.

THE Holy Thursday It has the Paschal Tiduum, the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the institution of the ministerial priesthood and the commandment of Jesus referring to the Lava.

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The only day of the year in which there are no masses in the Catholic Church is the Good Fridaywhen Christians also prevent the consumption of red meat due to the symbolism associated with the crucifixion of Jesus.

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Node Holy Saturdayin turn, the Pascal Vigil is performed, a set of Catholic liturgies that mark the wait for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Finally, in Easter Sundaythe resurrection of Jesus is exclusively.

It is important to highlight that these events did not necessarily occur on these days of the week, but are remembered in the liturgy over this period.

Are Holy Week and Easter holidays or optional points?

According to the official calendar of the Union, Only Friday It is a national holiday And this year will be on April 18th. Easter does not have the same classification because it is always celebrated on Sunday, which is not considered business day.

Still, some states and municipalities may decree an optional point for Holy Thursday, April 17. That is, during the Holy Week 2025who defines whether workers and students will have time off since Thursday are state governments, municipalities or private companies.

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Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at