The Revolution bank application is growing remarkably in Spain, a country in which it already has more than 3 million users. If you use it frequently, I will show you how to send GIF when you make a payment so that the transaction is much more complete.
Send a GIF in Revolution
The first thing you should do is open the application and click on payments, which you find at the bottom, in the center.
On the next screen, all the payments you have made will appear, but keep in mind that all transactions appear, not exclusively those made to other Revolution users. On this screen, click on the + sign that you will find in the upper right corner.
Once you have done it, you must expel about Revolution’s friend. Here you will allow you to know what are the contacts you have on your mobile phone that Revolution uses.
On the next screen, you click on the first option, called “Look for your Revtag.” This term is the identifier within the application, and begins with the sign @ followed by an alias.
Now you will have to Look for Revolution’s friend to which you are going to send a GIF with your payment. They will automatically appear to you by your mobile phone, or you can introduce Revtag if it is someone you don’t have saved.
Now you will put the amount you are going to pay, and before clicking on send, you will see an icon like the one that marks you with the arrow.
By clicking on him they will appear multitude of options in GIF format And that you can add to your payment. Choose the one you like best or that you can better define the transaction.
Once you have chosen it, it will be sent. You can also accompany you with a text message that you can write right there.
This is the way you can Send GIF to a revolution contact how much makes a payment. Although it must also be indicated that it is not necessary to make a payment to send GIF, you can do it without paying any amount to anyone but it is perhaps more advisable to use any messaging application specifically intended for it.
Applications such as Revolut are changing the banking panorama, do not have physical offices and They allow an agile operation. In the case of this operator, the implementation of ATMs in many Spanish cities is already establishing.