On August 6, 2024, a significant drama unfolded in the popular TV show ‘Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein’. The episode starts with Isha and Harini preparing for the arrival of the groom’s family. Milind remarks that it would have been nice if Mrunmayi was also present. Isha replies that Mrunmayi needs time after what she has been through.
Shantanu calls Savi to ask about her whereabouts. Savi says she is on her way. She decides to meet Saisha before meeting the groom’s family. Savi finds Saisha looking sad in the play zone. Saisha says there is no one to play with her. Savi decides to play with Saisha and spends time with her to cheer her up.
Meanwhile, Rajat arrives at the Winter Park Hotel with his family. His siblings tease him, and his family goes to meet the bride’s family. Harsh arrives at the hotel as well. In the event hall, Rajat’s family and Savi’s family are shocked to see each other. Bhagyasree and Isha start arguing upon seeing each other. Bhagyasree asks Raju about the bride’s family. Isha questions Shantanu about the groom’s family. Shantanu and Raju reveal that they are the wedding prospects. Isha scolds Shantanu, calling it the worst decision of his life. Bhagyasree echoes the sentiment to Raju.
Harsh and Chitra encounter Ashika. Harsh asks Ashika what she is doing there. Ashika says she came to spend time with Saisha. Harsh asks Saisha if she knows what is happening. Harsh informs Ashika that Rajat is getting married again. Milind accuses Rajat’s family of wanting this marriage to save Aman from jail. He threatens to send them to jail. Lucky counters by saying they can send Isha to jail for locking Bhagyasree in the storeroom, which could have been fatal. He suggests charging Isha with attempted murder.
Ashika declares that Rajat would never marry again and says he still loves her. Chitra speculates that Rajat might be marrying for Saisha’s custody. Ashika says Savi is key to Saisha’s custody, and she has control over Savi. She then leaves, and Harsh and Chitra decide to go to the event hall.
Isha apologizes to Bhagyasree, saying she did not know about her asthma. She explains that she tried to apologize before but was stopped by Lucky, who is now using it against her. Isha makes a remark about the Thakkar family. Rajat and Savi start arguing. Rajat tells Savi he will not marry her. Savi retorts that she will never marry him. Both families leave the event hall separately.
Harsh and Chitra arrive at the event hall but find it empty. Raju tries to convince Rajat that he needs to marry Savi for Saisha’s sake. He explains that Savi can help him win Saisha’s heart and the custody case. Raju asks Rajat to consider it seriously.
Savi questions Shantanu about his decision. Shantanu tells Savi that marrying Rajat is her chance to become Saisha’s mother. He urges her to think about it. Savi insists she cannot marry someone who hates her.
In another scene, Aman meets Mrunmayi in the society garden and asks her to help in getting Savi and Rajat married. Mrunmayi refuses and makes a comment about him.
The episode ends on this tense note, with a preview showing Rajat and Savi considering marriage for Saisha’s custody. The episode leaves viewers on the edge, wondering what will happen next.