The latest episode of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein, aired on 16th August 2024, brings another twist to the ongoing saga. The episode kicks off with Rajat, who spots Ashika at the billing counter of a shopping mall. Rajat, with his sharp instincts, also notices Savi entering the mall. He tries to signal Savi to stay out of sight, but she fails to catch the hint. Ashika, on the other hand, sees Savi and asks if she is there for wedding shopping. Savi, startled by the encounter, confirms Ashika’s guess, trying to keep up with the situation.
As the scene unfolds, Ashika gets busy collecting her shopping parcels. Meanwhile, Rajat subtly signals Savi to check her phone. Upon reading the message, Savi realizes the gravity of the situation. She tells her friend Mrunmayi that they need to distract Ashika long enough for Rajat to leave the mall with his family. In a quiet move, Rajat hands his debit card to the store manager, asking him to give it to Savi for her shopping.
Ashika, noticing Savi’s unease, offers to help her with the shopping, but Savi politely declines, saying that Mrunmayi will assist her instead. Rajat, taking advantage of the distraction, sneaks out of the store with his family. The store manager then gives Savi the debit card, informing her that Rajat left it for her. Ashika, overhearing this, immediately suspects Rajat of trying to bribe Savi. Savi, however, firmly denies any such intent, assuring Ashika that she cannot be bribed. Ashika advises Savi to make choices that are in Sai’s best interest, and Savi agrees.
Meanwhile, Sai, in another part of town, is seen breaking her piggy bank with the help of her Nanny. She has saved up to buy a special gift for her mother, and they head to a shop together. Sai decides on a cup that declares “World’s Best Mother” as the perfect gift. However, Chitra’s man is lurking around, and he captures a photo of Sai purchasing the cup. This photo is then sent to Chitra, who, in turn, shares it with Ashika. Chitra praises Ashika for winning Sai’s trust, hinting that Sai’s alliance could be a game-changer. Upon seeing the photo, Ashika becomes confident that with Sai on her side, she will not lose the case. Sai, wanting to add a personal touch to the gift, asks the shopkeeper to print a photo of herself and Savi on the cup. The shopkeeper agrees, and Nanny silently notes that Sai loves Savi deeply, almost considering her a mother figure.
The story then shifts to the preparations for the Haldi ceremony. Savi gets ready for the event, and her happiness is evident to all. Bhosles, the family, are pleased to see Savi in high spirits. Soon, Sai arrives at the ceremony with her Nanny, much to Savi’s delight. Sai surprises Savi with the gift—a cup bearing the “Best Mother” inscription along with their photo. Savi is deeply moved by this gesture. Overwhelmed with emotion, she embraces Sai, declaring it the best gift she has ever received. To reciprocate, Savi shows Sai her Mehendi, where she has had Sai’s name inscribed. This touching moment brings happiness to Sai as well.
Just then, Nanny receives a call from Ashika. She informs Sai that they need to return home immediately. Savi, however, asks Nanny not to disclose that they attended the Haldi ceremony, to which Nanny agrees. They leave quietly, but not before Shantanu notices how joyful Savi is.
As the Haldi ceremony progresses, the Thakkar family begins Rajat’s ritual. Everyone wishes him a happy and prosperous life. When Savi and her family arrive, Rajat cannot take his eyes off her. Bhagyashree gives Isha the Haldi to start the ritual. Isha tells Savi that today marks the day Ishaan’s dream of seeing her with her family comes true. She then applies Haldi to Savi, followed by other family members, turning the ritual into a joyous affair.
In a light-hearted moment, Rajat accidentally hits Savi with a flower. The Bhosles, noticing this, encourage Savi to take revenge. Savi playfully throws a flower back, which hits Bhagyashree, sparking a friendly flower fight between the two families. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and happiness, making the Haldi ceremony an event to remember.
The episode ends on a cliffhanger with a preview of what’s to come. In the precap, Savi is seen refusing to marry Rajat. She firmly tells him that he will not gain custody of Sai, leaving viewers in suspense about what will happen next.
Episode ends.