Four wounded when the bar of an awning of the Uruguay Consulate before the Mascletá de Valencia fell

Four people have been injured after the metal bar fall of an awning of the Uruguay Consulate before the Mascletá of the big day of the Valencia failuresthis Wednesday. All this, according to municipal sources. The events have occurred at the height of the number 3 of Barcelonina Street. A very frequented road, in the center of Valencia, which is perpendicular to the aforementioned town hall of the Valencian Community capital, where it flows.

Three of the injured have been served by the health services that are part of the forecast device in the Mascletáin the town hall place itself. While A woman has had to be transferred to a hospital. He had a gap in his head, according to the aforementioned sources.

All this has happened shortly before 2 pm on Wednesday, in which Valencia celebrates the feast of San José. It has been then when the event has occurred. Just when the last shot was planned Mascletá of the Fallas of Valencia, which corresponded Caballer FX, which has been since 2010, with a show in which 256 kilos of gunpowder have been released.

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The circumstance is given, which two years ago, in 2023, in the first of the Mascletásin this case at the Magdalena Festivities, in Castellón, a total of 15 people were mildly injured, after the explosion of a housing. Then, of the 15 wounded, most of them in arms, face and neck, they were discharged almost immediately, except for one who had to be transferred to a hospital, where he also received the discharge after having been seen in emergencies. In addition, then, two other people had to be treated, but in both cases because of lipotimias product of the heat in those days.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at