Arrested in Palma for cheating more than 2,000 euros in the purchase of electric scooters

The National Police has arrested a 35 -year -old Spanish woman for Estar more than 2,000 euros in the purchase of three electric scooters that does not pay a specialized palm store for it. He is accused of a crime of fraud for which has been denounced about 20 times Since 2017.

The facts began to investigate one that the police had the complaint and verified that the woman, once identified, would have already perpetrated several scams in different municipalities of Mallorca in a short temporal space.

All facts coincide in the ‘modus operandi’ of the alleged author, which consists of gaining the trust of the victims, making them believe that he is a good person and with a high purchasing powereither because of your clothing, as well as your way of expressing yourself.

Once this point is achieved, it is interested in the valuable objects of the establishment. In this case, electric scooters, but as a general rule it also acts in jewelry.

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When paying their purchases, he says he has problems with his credit cards and offers payment by bank transfer. Form of payment that is usually accepted by the seller when seeing that, otherwise, they will lose that large sale.

However, carry out the transfer in Deferred mode And, therefore, the money will come to the account the day she has decided and not in the most immediate way, which is what the alleged author makes the seller believe, which has been immediate transfer.

That money will never reach their destination, but it serves the woman to show the screenshot of the supposed payment to the seller so that he gives him the articles.

Subsequently, when businesses do not receive the money, they contact it by telephone and it agrees to appeal in the store. However, once there, a Debt recognition. Having used that plan, to evade criminal action and that all this is in mere civil fact, in which, when the time comes, it will declare itself insolvent.

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That is why the agents proceeded to arrest the woman and recovered the three scooters that were delivered to their owner.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at