European paradise to emigrate from Spain with houses for 500 euros

Unemployment in Spain remains much higher than in other countries of the European Union, while our salaries are in line. As if that were not enough, the cost of life is also very high, so Sometimes it may seem that the only solution is to emigrate.

With such a negative context for the Spaniards, many consider moving to close destinations and with more opportunities without having to leave the peninsula.

For example, those who want a better fiscal situation think of Andorra to emigrate. Instead, those who dream of a very similar country, but a little cheaper and calmly opt for Portugal.

However, it is very possible that neither of these two alternatives is the one that suits you. If you are looking for information about it, You will discover that there is a country in Europe that you had not even considered and that it is perfect: Slovakia.

This Central European country has half an unemployment than Spain, a significantly lower cost of life and rentals are much more affordable, even in its capital, Bratislava.

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In addition, it is part of the European Union so You can start your next adventure through Slovak lands without performing any procedure. Do you want to know why you should consider it?

What is the cost of life in Slovakia compared to Spain?

Living in Slovakia is considerably more affordable than in Spain, especially if we compare it with great cities such as Madrid or Barcelona.

For example, a single person can live with approximately 1,660 euros per month enjoying a rather comfortable life. That is, not only the essential expenses are included, but also transport and leisure.

In the case of a family of four people and without having to tighten their belt, the average monthly cost is around 3,442 euros.

In Spain, the figure can be shot. But why are the difference? Most services have a similar price, but their rentals are much cheaper.

The essential reason for emigrating to Slovakia from Spain

Beyond that in Slovakia you will have more facilities to find work, since Its unemployment rate is 5.1% (in Spain of 10.4%)the cost of life adjusted to wages is very similar.

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However, what will allow you to live more comfortably and without so many worries is housing. For example, The rent of a house in the center of Bratislava is around 500 euros.

In Spain that figure could double in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga or Valencia. In addition, if you move away from the capital of Slovakia you will notice how prices go down even more, so It can be interesting even if you live in a small Spanish city.

How to emigrate to Slovakia if you are Spanish?

The procedures to emigrate to Slovakia are very simple. As citizen of the European Union You can travel to the country for 90 days without passport or visa. Only with the National Identity Document (DNI) is sufficient.

However, if you like the country and want to establish yourself you will have to carry out the appropriate procedures within a maximum period of 30 days. The process is quite simple and you can consult all the necessary information here.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at