On August 23, 2024, the drama unfolded in the popular television show Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua. The episode begins with Yashwant confronting Sobha, accusing her of stealing money. Sobha defends herself, explaining that she used the money to organize a party for her daughter. She tries to reassure Yashwant by telling him that Deepika, their daughter, is not alone at home. Sobha reveals that she has spent all the money on the party arrangements. However, this explanation only fuels Yashwant’s anger further. Deepika, trying to calm her father, tells him not to stress, saying they can manage through the flower orders.
Meanwhile, Chirag is dealing with his own frustrations. Janvi, another character in the show, irritates him by sending a text, leaving him feeling helpless and angry because he can’t express his frustrations openly to Prithvi.
The scene shifts back to Deepika, who is being tormented by her mother Manorama and Sobha. They force her to clean the house despite her protests. Deepika pleads with Sobha, telling her that she is unwell and has been fasting. Sobha, however, is relentless. She offers a way out—Deepika won’t have to do any more chores if she reveals the name of her fiancé. The pressure proves too much for Deepika, and she faints. Yashwant rushes to her aid, picking her up and immediately calling Chirag for help.
Yashwant informs Chirag that Deepika is running a high fever and is in poor condition. Chirag advises Yashwant to take her to Fortune Hospital, a well-known medical facility. However, Yashwant hesitates, knowing that the hospital is expensive. Chirag reassures him, promising to handle all the expenses but insists that Deepika must be taken to the hospital immediately. As they prepare to leave, Manorama and Sobha concoct a plan to follow them, hoping to finally discover who Deepika’s fiancé is.
At the hospital, Yashwant admits Deepika into the ward. Manorama and Sobha arrive soon after, eager to find out the identity of the man Deepika is engaged to. Their suspicions are aroused when Chirag shows up at the hospital. Manorama and Sobha are shocked, jumping to the conclusion that Chirag must be Deepika’s fiancé. Sobha is eager to inform Lavanya, another central character, about this revelation, but Manorama stops her. Manorama warns Sobha that if they act hastily and the information is incorrect, it could lead to the cancellation of the marriage.
Manorama suggests they call Birju to verify if Chirag is indeed the man they think he is. Meanwhile, Chirag speaks with Dr. Pratap, informing him that Deepika is a family member, further cementing the idea in Manorama and Sobha’s minds that he is the fiancé. Birju arrives at the hospital to confirm Chirag’s identity, but he discovers that Chirag is not the person who assaulted him in the past, which clears up the confusion. Sobha is relieved to learn that Chirag is not Deepika’s fiancé after all. Before leaving, Chirag advises Deepika to rest, and Yashwant thanks Ghanshyam for bringing Chirag into Deepika’s life.
As the day progresses, Prithvi, another important character, picks out outfits for an upcoming function, discussing with Lavanya the attire that he and Janvi will wear. Lavanya, however, is preoccupied, receiving a phone call that leaves her furious.
Later, Yashwant brings Deepika back home, making it clear to Sobha that Deepika will no longer be responsible for any household chores. The tension rises when Janvi asks Deepika what Chirag was doing at the hospital. Yashwant intervenes, pointing out that it was Sobha who shared this information with Janvi. He then instructs Sobha to focus on the wedding rituals instead of meddling in Deepika’s affairs.
The episode reaches a climax when Lavanya arrives and, in a shocking turn of events, slaps Deepika. Yashwant immediately steps in, telling Lavanya that she has no right to lay a hand on Deepika. Lavanya, undeterred, accuses Yashwant of trying to bring Deepika closer to Chirag, declaring that she will never accept this. Her statement leaves everyone in the room stunned.
This episode of “Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua” is filled with high drama and emotional conflicts, setting the stage for more intense developments in the storyline. The characters’ relationships are tested as secrets are revealed, and alliances are questioned. The tension between the characters continues to build, promising more twists and turns in the upcoming episodes.
Episode ends.