Date of the last broadcast and return of Carlota Corredera

It was an open secret that Nor that we were shhh I would say goodbye ‘to his adventure in Ten TV and on Channel Quickie Once your team heads to 1, but we had to wait for confirmation. The Osa Producciones has already announced the day on which the program presented by María Patiño says goodbye to the spectators, Something that will happen before being able to meet a year on antenna, but it is not the only announcement that has come. In spite will have Carlota Corredera, who was a presenter of Save me and of Rocío Carrasco’s docuserie, as a substitute in what will be his return to television after years away from the cameras.

On May 15, 2024, a risky experiment began in which the TV factory recovered the spirit of Save me Thanks to some of his most charismatic collaborators such as Belén Esteban, María Patiño, Kiko Matamoros, Chelo García-Cortés and Lydia Lozano. For just a few weeks they became Streamersbroadcasting only on Twitch and YouTube, but in June they managed to return to open television, although they did it on Ten TV, a chain that barely passes from 1 % audience. Despite what The audiences have failed to shake the proposals of Telecinco and Antena 3the truth is that they have managed to recover part of the lost relevance.

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Now, without getting to a year on antenna, Patiño and yours already prepare the suitcases to move at 1where a new stage will begin in the afternoons of the public channel. It will be next Thursday, March 27 when the program closes its journey, leaving the chain without which it was so far its greatest success (with closed case permission).

María Patiño, presenter of nor that we were Shhh (YouTube).
María Patiño, presenter of nor that we were Shhh (YouTube). María Patiño, presenter of nor that we were Shhh (YouTube).

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at