The events of August 17th, 2024, unfold in the Oberoi mansion with an increasing sense of tension, particularly surrounding Malishka. The day begins with Lakshmi, ever the caring figure, instructing the chef to prepare Karela juice for Rishi, aiming to boost his immunity. The chef, while agreeing to make it, leaves the responsibility of serving it to Rishi to Lakshmi, who readily accepts.
Meanwhile, a lighthearted moment occurs upstairs where Neelam, usually reserved, is seen smiling as she observes Paro and Rohan playing with Rishi, Ayush, and Dadi. This rare sight of Neelam smiling catches Paro’s attention, prompting her to ask Rishi if her observation is correct. Rishi confirms, and this prompts Dadi to suggest that Neelam should smile more often, especially for Paro’s sake. Neelam, seemingly touched, agrees. The moment is further lightened when Rohan mentions getting Malpua, with Paro expressing a desire for Malpua made by Lakshmi herself. They all head off to fulfill this request.
However, the cheerful atmosphere is quickly overshadowed by a more serious matter when a servant informs Neelam of Sandeep Mishra’s arrival. Neelam, ever meticulous, checks with Rishi and Ayush to ensure all arrangements are in place. When Dadi inquires about Sandeep Mishra, Ayush explains that Sandeep played a crucial role in helping them win a significant hotel land case. Neelam then instructs Ayush and Rishi to warmly welcome their guest.
As preparations are underway, Malishka enters the kitchen with a plan of her own. She attempts to send Lakshmi away under the pretense that Paro is calling for her, but Lakshmi, focused on her task, dismisses Malishka’s attempts. Frustrated, Malishka leaves the kitchen, her plan thwarted for the moment.
In the living room, Rishi and his family extend a warm welcome to Sandeep Mishra. Sandeep suggests that they should consider opening their hotel on Independence Day, an idea that Rishi and Neelam find appealing. Sandeep then credits Ayush for the idea, earning him praise from both Neelam and Rishi. Sandeep adds that if the Chief Minister (CM) agrees to hoist the flag at their hotel, it would provide them with excellent publicity. He informs them that he has already contacted Ojas to speak with the CM about this.
While the family discusses the upcoming event, Malishka is seen elsewhere, complaining to Karishma and Aanchal about how Lakshmi’s presence in the kitchen is hindering her plans. Her growing frustration is evident, as she becomes increasingly desperate to execute her scheme.
The scene shifts back to the Oberoi living room, where the doorbell rings, signaling Ojas’s arrival. Upon entering, Sandeep quickly inquires if the CM has agreed to participate in their event. Ojas confirms that the CM has agreed, but with one condition: Rishi’s wife must be present during the flag hoisting, as this year’s event focuses on women’s empowerment. Rishi readily agrees to this condition.
Paro then enters the scene, and Sandeep, still under the impression that Malishka is Rishi’s wife, asks where she is. Paro, eager to help, offers to bring Rishi’s wife to the gathering. Neelam attempts to clarify the situation, but before she can, Ojas receives a phone call, interrupting her.
As Paro goes to fetch Lakshmi, Malishka is suddenly reminded that the Minister is due to arrive at the house. Realizing the importance of the occasion, she rushes to the hall. Paro finds Lakshmi in the kitchen, turning off the stove before escorting her to the living room, where everyone awaits her arrival.
Back in the hall, Ojas informs Sandeep and the Oberois that the CM has scheduled an appointment for 11 AM the next day. When Sandeep sees Malishka, he mistakenly believes her to be Rishi’s personal assistant. Neelam again tries to correct the misunderstanding, but before she can, Paro proudly introduces Lakshmi as the “ghar ki bahu.” Sandeep is impressed by Lakshmi and praises her, while Ojas reveals that the CM has taken notice of Lakshmi and specifically requested her presence at the flag hoisting. Karishma, puzzled, asks how the CM came to know about Lakshmi, but Ojas can’t provide a clear answer, only stating that the CM insisted on her attendance. Sandeep, seeing the situation as advantageous, supports the idea.
Malishka, unable to contain her anger, storms back to the kitchen, her mind consumed with thoughts of revenge against Lakshmi. In a moment of pure malice, she notices the gas pipe and, with sinister intent, removes it while keeping the gas on, setting a dangerous trap. She believes she has finally set the perfect trap, or “Chakravyuh,” to bring down Lakshmi.
As the episode concludes, the tension in the Oberoi household reaches new heights, with Malishka’s growing insecurity and dangerous schemes threatening to unravel the peace and stability of the family. The audience is left wondering what consequences Malishka’s actions will bring in the days to come.
Episode ends.