bad news if you expected to collect the personal income tax soon

For months, thousands of pensioners in Spain The return of the IRPF corresponding to its contributions to old mutualities. Many of them had deposited their confidence in government promises, convinced that They would receive fair compensation after decades of contributions. However, the latest news that arrives from the Ministry of Finance to pensioners are not precisely encouraging and involves a new setback for those who were already having that income in the next rent of the rent.

Far from solving, The process has become more entangled. What was initially presented as a unique and automatic return now becomes a long procedure, divided into several payments and with new bureaucratic obstacles. In addition, many pensioners who had requested the return of years prior to the Treasury, have encountered a legal barrier: the Pressure of the deadlineswhat in practice means that they could lose the right to recover their money. Frustration grows among those affected, which does not understand why something is delayed so much that, clearly, is a recognition of fiscal justice. The situation not only reflects a lack of administrative agility, but also a breach of the commitments acquired by the Government. Although Hacienda has announced that it will compensate for delays delays, the discomfort is already installed among mutualist pensioners, who feel they are failure after so many years of waiting. For them, it is not only an economic issue, but also, recognition and historical reparation.

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Treasury stick to mutualist pensioners

The group affected by this situation is formed by the so -called mutual pensioners: people who quoted labor mutualities before they were integrated into the social security system, Especially between the years 1967 and 1978. During that period, they were not allowed to deduce those quotes in the Declaration of the IRPF, which eventually generated a double unfair imposition. The Supreme Court recognized this tax anomaly, giving rise to the returns of tax paid by the Tax Agency.

This judicial decision opened the door for millions of retirees to Recover part of the money that was unduly retained. The problem arose when the administration was not able to properly manage the avalanche of claims. Despite having pledged to make payments in an agile and simple way, Hacienda has finally chosen to divide returns, which implies more delays and complications for those affected.

An unexpected legal change and a return that does not arrive

Until the end of 2023, the pensioners who claimed The return of the personal income tax for its contributions to mutualities They were receiving their payments at onceas promised after a agreement between Tax authorities and the unions UGT and CCOO. However, on December 19, Congress approved a provision in the law of Fiscal reform that changes this system. From now on, those who have requested the return must receive it in several payments, not in one.

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This modification has caught many retirees by surprise, especially those who had submitted claims corresponding to exercises prior to 2022. Due to this new norm and legal deadlines, Many requests have prescribedwhich means that pensioners lose the right to receive that money. Although the government insists that those affected will not be totally unprotected, the reality is that many people have already lost any hope to collect.

Finance does not offer solution and unions press

After a recent meeting with the Ministry of Finance, the unions have been clear: the government’s response has not satisfied expectations. As they have declared, The administration has affirmed that “it has no margin of correction” and that is not willing to offer an alternative solution. This has further turned on the spirits among trade union organizations, which accuse the Executive of breaking the agreed and extinguished to a group that has been contributing to the system.

UGT and CCOO have demanded that at least the returns that are carried out include interest as compensation for delay. Hacienda has accepted this point, so pensioners will receive an extra for delay interest, calculated based on the type of 4,0625% annual. Although this is a small relief, it does not compensate for the discomfort that the normative change has generated or the feeling that pensioners are the last to be taken into account.

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When and how can IRPF be claimed?

In the face of the 2024 rent campaign, which officially starts April 2, the Tax Agency will make a specific form available to mutualists To request the return of corresponding amounts, in principle, to the fiscal year of 2019. This form will be available on the AEAT website and will be the official route to manage the claim.

The unions have assured that From that moment they will begin to register againand “the hundreds of thousands of applications that we have already managed previously” with the objective that no pensioner sees their rights cut for administrative reasons. However, the fear among those affected is that the new delays and the complexity of the procedure end up discouraging many people, especially those of older age.

Despite the reverse of the subdivision of returns and the possible loss of the right to charge in some cases, Mutualist pensioners can still claim. The new form and the inclusion of delay interests allow to house some hope, although those affected must be attentive to the deadlines and the necessary documentation. It is recommended that Those who have not yet started the process seek adviceeither through unions or fiscal professionals.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at