Association of parliamentary coup plotters

When give so many coups to the democracy, One more does not show. This is what Moncloa, observers of the boredom with which many Spaniards assume that the exit to Sanchismo is a sweetened socialism, that is, a socialism that violates less freedoms and steals with social conscience. In that error we carry the penance and settle for arriving the next day without the rigor shock affecting the card. We little by little without a nation When we allow the pillars on which it is based on the record of a pylon hammer. Thus, we see each felony as another chapter and do not repair their severity separately. In Spain, we do not know much history, there are still those who justify any abuse of power, ignorant of what the past tells us that we read: Freedom dies when socialism triumphs.

The coup d’etat that the PSOE It is perpetrating against democracy -we insist in redundancy -, it is motivated in the idea of ​​conferring Congress, that is, the private farmhouse where Sánchez and its anti -democratic partners pervert national legitimacy, The power to decide what media should ask and which notand expel journalists who do not exercise as the group of parliamentary palm trees that support the initiative, that is, of regime activists. If such a liberticidal standard goes ahead, no information professional can bother the Government, because it will risk that its accreditation be withdrawn and its physical presence, considered not pleasant in the Courts. If that is not typical of a dictatorship, it seems to him.

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That Sánchez and the PSOE will take out the anti -democratic leg is normal, because they carry it inside, in their history and blood, especially blood, but one expects from the journalists who cover the information of the congress to rebel against the chusket spokesperson manual that Patxi nobody and associates represent with each public appearance. However, they not only accompany him in his totalitarian drift, as well breastfed, but are added to felony. The Association of Pedretes journalists is satisfied with the new proposal that has released its party, the PSOE, because that way no one can ridicule them doing what they, in full abandonment of functions, do not do.

I try with this article present a defense of freedom of expressionthe independent press and the inspection and surveillance of power, work that must be taught in the faculties of journalism and in the writings of the media and that today shine by their absence, with honorable and less and less exceptions. The media economically doping by the Government bothers them that the citizens observe their procedure and therefore, they add to the cacicada of Patxi Nobody, which acts in the lectern and in the halls with that macarra tuffillo with which their now friends of Bildu behaved in the Herriko Tabernas where they conspired to kill his companions of the PSOE.

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Since Sánchez considers Parliament his private cortijo, Ábalos, his personal brothel, Armengol, his presidential corruption and Bolaños, his perpetual bulles field, PP and Vox would do well in not going back to the press rooms if the totalitarian initiative goes ahead. Sánchez only lacks set the Congress to justify its last and definitive coup d’etatwhich will be the final assault on democracy as we know it.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at