On August 13, 2024, the episode begins with Anjali’s mother questioning Ganesh, her husband, about who shattered his dreams. Despite her numerous inquiries over time, Ganesh has never revealed the reason behind his downfall. She recalls how he went to the court to fight his first case but returned home defeated. Since then, Ganesh hasn’t earned a single penny for the family, which has deeply affected their lives. Frustrated, Anjali’s mother walks away, leaving Ganesh to brood over the past.
Anjali, concerned about her father’s response, presses him to reveal who forced him to leave the court. Ganesh finally opens up, explaining that it was a corrupt lawyer who compromised the law for money. This betrayal crushed his spirit and ended his career. Anjali listens in silence, her heart heavy with the knowledge of her father’s struggles.
Meanwhile, preparations for a wedding anniversary party are underway. Raghav, a member of the Rajput family, is busy attending to the guests who inquire about the whereabouts of Abhay and Ginny, the couple being celebrated. Raghav assures them they will arrive soon and asks Ishani, another family member, to fetch them. Ishani obliges and leaves to bring the couple.
Ginny, getting ready for the party, is soon surrounded by the Rajput family girls who admire her appearance. They share the news that Nandini, Abhay’s mother, has decided not to attend the celebration. This sparks some comments among the girls, indicating tension within the family.
Kamala, a senior member of the family, tries to convince Nandini to attend the party. She urges Nandini to set aside personal grievances and not display any animosity in front of the guests. However, Nandini remains silent, clearly upset. Vaibhav, another family member, approaches Nandini, suggesting that her absence would not look good in front of the guests. Kamala, unable to hide her frustration, remarks that Nandini’s reluctance to attend is because she is only a stepmother. The other daughters-in-law, sensing the brewing conflict, step in and manage to convince Nandini to join the celebration.
Anjali’s mother, aware of the upcoming anniversary party, asks Anjali to accompany her. Anjali hesitates, reminding her mother that Ganesh would be furious. Her mother, determined, assures Anjali that she will handle Ganesh and urges her not to worry. Reluctantly, Anjali agrees but makes it clear that she will not attend the party and will stay outside instead.
Anjali’s reluctance stems from a painful memory. She reminds her mother of how Kamala, who once saw her in a temple, had chosen her as a potential bride for her grandson, Abhay. Kamala even took Anjali’s phone number, and Abhay began calling her, claiming to have fallen in love with her based on what he had heard from Kamala. However, Anjali’s sister, Ginny, deceitfully took Abhay’s phone number and met him under the guise of being Anjali. This led to Ginny marrying Abhay without Anjali’s knowledge. Anjali, still hurt by her sister’s betrayal, questions how a sister could do such a thing and expresses her deep resentment.
Despite the bitterness, Anjali’s mother insists on attending the party. Anjali, feeling protective, drops her mother at the Rajput family residence but warns her to think twice before stepping inside. She fears that the Rajput family will insult her mother. However, her mother, holding onto a fragile hope, believes Ginny will prevent any such humiliation.
The party begins, with Ginny and the rest of the Rajput family joining the celebration. The atmosphere is festive, yet undercurrents of tension are palpable. As the evening progresses, Anjali’s fears come true. In the upcoming episode preview, it is hinted that Anjali’s mother faces humiliation at the Rajput mansion, setting the stage for further conflicts and emotional turmoil within the family.