He Add Granada Movement has come out in defense of the hooded which starred disturbances during an act in the Law school of the University of Granadain which the former deputy of Vox participated Macarena Olona Last Monday night. In the opinion of the formation of Yolanda Díaz, The intervention of the National Police against the radicals was “disproportionate.” The performance of the radicals left a balance of two detainees – in provisional freedom— accused of alleged crimes as an attack on the Authority, lesions and public disorders.
Through a statement, Add Not only has the police action questioned, but it has gone beyond demanding “The withdrawal of charges” against the investigated. According to this political group, “regardless of who organizes a debate or who participates in it,” the essential thing is to guarantee “freedom of expression and the exchange of ideas from a democratic and respectful perspective with human rights.”
In his story, Sumar stressed that «various student and social associations expressed their opposition to the presence of the former leader of Vox», Whom they have accused of practicing” provocations. ” «It’s none novelty That the extreme right resorts to provocative maneuvers to generate altercations, fill holders and then become the victim, ”they have affirmed from the movement, showing their explicit support to” the protesters, students and groups that protested peacefully, also exercising their legitimate right to freedom of expression. “
Meanwhile, Macarena Olona He has not stayed with crossed ones. On Tuesday he announced that he has already presented a Formal complaint For the events that occurred during the act, making it clear that he does not think “to spend time to the media” and that he prefers to “make heard in court.” «Yes to defend the freedom We had to face a Human Wall of Totalitarianismso that justice acts with all its rigor against the culprits we will see each other again before the courts, ”he said firmly.