Distrowning Renfe and Adif’s strike after reaching an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation

The unions have The strike scheduled in Renfe and Adif Only four hours before its start this midnight, after having reached an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility. The General Company Committees of Renfe and Adif (composed of Semaf, CCOO, UGT, CGT, SF-I and SCF) convened seven days of strikes for days 17, 19, 24, March 26 and 28, as well as April 1 and 3, because of the breach by the Ministry of the 2023 agreements both of Rodalies and Renfe merchandise.

The mobilizations were going to suppose, in their first five days, the cancellation of almost 1,400 trains of Renfe (1,383 trains) of the 4,260 scheduled in that period, 428 of high speed and long distance and 955 medium distance, in addition to 740 of goods, Efe reported.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.