On the 17th of August, 2024, an intense turn of events unfolded in the lives of Radha and Mohan. The couple found themselves in a complicated situation involving a hidden corpse, which could potentially shatter their world if discovered. The day started with a sense of unease as Gungun, their young companion, began to suspect something was amiss. Radha, understanding the gravity of the situation, insisted to Mohan that they needed to find the body of Yug before anything worse happened. They searched through the storeroom but were shocked to discover that the corpse was no longer where they had hidden it. This unexpected development left them both deeply concerned.
As they puzzled over who could have moved the body, Meera, a close associate, appeared and revealed that she was the one who had relocated Yug’s body. This revelation shocked Radha and Mohan. The couple could hardly believe that Meera was aware of everything. Meera expressed her hurt, particularly over the fact that Mohan hadn’t trusted her enough to confide in her about the situation. She went on to explain how she had seen Mohan hiding Yug’s body in the refrigerator and decided to take action when she noticed the police getting close.
Meera recounted how she had managed to move the corpse from the fridge and hide it in the garden, right under the noses of the authorities. Mohan, realizing the risk Meera had taken, expressed his concern. He acknowledged that she had put herself in danger by getting involved in this mess. However, Meera remained firm, stating that she knew Mohan wasn’t a bad person and that his actions were driven by the need to protect his family. Radha, standing by Mohan, reminded Meera that the incident was an act of self-defense. Meera, however, was realistic about the situation, pointing out that others would not see it that way. Her unwavering trust in Mohan brought some relief to Radha.
The situation became even more emotional when Mohan hugged Meera, thanking her for her loyalty and support. He warned her that by helping them, she had become an accomplice in the crime and could face serious consequences, including jail time. Meera, however, dismissed these concerns, saying she would go to any lengths for the sake of their friendship. Radha then suggested that they needed to retrieve Yug’s body from the garden and perform his last rites to prevent further complications. Unbeknownst to them, Kadambari, another character with her own agenda, had overheard this conversation.
As Radha and Mohan went to the garden to locate Yug’s body, they were interrupted by some neighbors passing by. Realizing the danger of being discovered, Mohan decided that they should move the body under the cover of night to avoid arousing suspicion.
Meanwhile, Kadambari confronted Meera about her role in hiding Yug’s body. Meera was startled but quickly recovered, asking how Kadambari had found out. Kadambari, confident and calculating, claimed to be an expert at such games. Meera, however, was not easily intimidated. She explained that her actions had earned her Mohan’s trust, and she wasn’t willing to see him go to jail. Kadambari, seeing that Meera was serious, warned her that she would send everyone involved to jail if Meera ever turned against her. But Meera, always one step ahead, played a recording of Kadambari’s confession, making it clear that she was no pushover. She declared that she might be new to these games, but she wasn’t weak or naive like Radha, nor foolish like Damini. She even threatened to expose Kadambari if she tried to manipulate her.
In the midst of all this tension, Gungun, Manan, and other children were playing cricket in the garden. As they played, they noticed a foul smell and began to wonder where it was coming from. Mohan, worried that the smell might lead them to the hidden body, hurriedly sent the children away. However, their nosy neighbors, who had also detected the smell, speculated that a large animal might have died nearby. They decided to search for the source, which made Radha nervous. She anxiously asked Mohan what they would do if someone found Yug’s body.
The day ended with the unresolved tension hanging in the air. Radha and Mohan were left to deal with the mounting pressure and the fear of their secret being exposed. With Meera now deeply entangled in their predicament, and Kadambari lurking as a potential threat, their situation had become even more precarious. The uncertainty of what lay ahead for Radha and Mohan kept them on edge, as they struggled to protect their lives and their loved ones from the truth that could destroy them all.
Episode ends.