On August 6, 2024, a gripping series of events unfolded in the small village where Abimanyu resides. The story begins with Abimanyu walking towards an unknown place while a woman’s laughter echoes in the distance. Meanwhile, Abimanyu’s mother, Sarla, urgently seeks the help of Shastri Ji, a revered figure in the village. Despite the initial resistance from his assistant, Shastri Ji allows Sarla to meet him. Sarla, in desperation, pleads with Shastri Ji to save her son Abimanyu, who she believes has only pure intentions. However, the villagers express their disapproval, urging Shastri Ji not to assist Sarla, accusing Abimanyu of endangering everyone’s lives.
Shastri Ji eventually agrees to help, but he warns Sarla that Abimanyu is under the influence of a Dayaan, a malevolent spirit, and his fate remains uncertain. Shastri Ji emphasizes the need to locate the Dayaan first. Determined to save her son, Sarla continues to plead, and Shastri Ji performs a ritual to discern the Dayaan’s whereabouts. He then leads Sarla, Tripati, and the villagers to an isolated building, instructing them to wait outside while he ventures inside alone.
Inside the building, the weather shifts ominously. Abimanyu is found in a semi-conscious state, confronting a sinister woman. Outside, the villagers hear unsettling laughter. Sarla, desperate to help her son, tries to enter, but Tripati warns her and the villagers to stay put. Shastri Ji emerges, carrying Abimanyu, revealing a shocking truth: the Dayaan, using Abimanyu, is about to give birth to an evil child, signaling doom for them all. This revelation leaves everyone, especially Sarla, devastated.
Preeti, another key figure, attempts to approach the unconscious Abimanyu, but Shastri Ji’s men prevent her. Shastri Ji warns that anyone who touches Abimanyu will become unclean due to the Dayaan’s influence. Preeti argues that Abimanyu needs medical attention, but Sarla, now distrustful of Preeti, rebukes her. Tripati and Shastri Ji seem to take pleasure in Preeti’s frustration. Despite Preeti and Machhar Singh’s pleas, Sarla decides to leave Abimanyu in Shastri Ji’s care, convinced he is the only one who can save her son.
The villagers, following Shastri Ji’s orders, leave the area, leaving Abimanyu surrounded by Shastri Ji and his men. Sarla prays fervently for Abimanyu’s safety, while Preeti continues to argue that Sarla is making a grave mistake. However, Sarla, trusting Shastri Ji, refuses to listen and demands Preeti stay away from Abimanyu.
Inside, Shastri Ji, holding a knife, contemplates his next move while Tripati silently signals him to stop. Preeti, determined to rescue Abimanyu, is threatened by Sarla’s declaration that she will harm herself if Preeti intervenes. Preeti, now in a helpless state, breaks down in tears. In the temple, Shastri Ji performs another ritual, wielding the knife ominously.
The situation takes a darker turn as Shastri Ji instructs Abimanyu to kill Preeti. Preeti, overjoyed to see Abimanyu, is horrified when he attacks her with a knife. Bindu, another character in the story, appears pleased with the unfolding chaos.
As the tension in the village reaches a boiling point, the fate of Abimanyu, Preeti, and the entire village hangs in the balance, with dark forces threatening to consume them all. The events of August 6, 2024, mark a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle between good and evil, leaving everyone questioning who can truly be trusted.