On August 7, 2024, the drama in the popular TV show “Yeh Hai Chahatein” took an unexpected turn. The episode starts with Nitya visiting Kaashvi’s family. She tells them that Arjun did the right thing by marrying Meera. Nitya then invites them to Meera’s “muh dikayi” ceremony, which is a traditional ceremony where the bride’s face is revealed to the groom’s family and friends. Dadi, Kaashvi’s grandmother, gets angry at Nitya for inviting them. She scolds Nitya, saying that Arjun has ruined Kaashvi’s life. Nitya responds mockingly and leaves.
Meanwhile, Meera is at home, wondering why the “muh dikayi” ceremony is necessary. Suddenly, she hears Karun screaming. She rushes to him and finds out that he has a stomach ache. She immediately takes him to the hospital.
Later, Nitya welcomes the society ladies to her home for the ceremony. Romila, another character, arrives with her daughter-in-law. Nitya is surprised to see Romila. They find out that Meera is not at home. Romila teases Nitya, suggesting that Meera might have gone to the police to file a complaint against her. Romila adds that Nitya could go to jail again because there is no bail in domestic violence cases. Nitya becomes furious and vows not to spare Meera.
At the hospital, Kaashvi asks the receptionist about Nagesh. She sees Karun with Meera. Meera asks the doctor to treat Karun, who is then taken inside. After some time, the doctor comes out and asks who Karun’s mother is. Both Kaashvi and Meera claim to be his mother, causing confusion. Meera clarifies the misunderstanding. The doctor scolds them for letting Karun eat too much junk food. Meera blames Karun’s grandmother for it. The doctor warns them to be careful and leaves.
Nitya is at home, wondering why Meera is not answering her calls. She hears the society ladies gossiping about her and Meera.
Back at the hospital, Meera asks Kaashvi to check on Karun, who is unconscious. Kaashvi goes inside and gets emotional seeing Karun. She tells him that she missed him very much. Meera tries to console her, saying that Karun will be fine. Kaashvi, however, accuses Meera of showing fake concern. She says she knows what kind of person Meera is and will never forgive her. Meera then tells Kaashvi that Mohan has died. Kaashvi recalls what Arjun told her and thinks he was telling the truth. Meera, on the other hand, thinks she can’t reveal the truth to Kaashvi.
Meera answers Nitya’s call. Nitya orders her to come home immediately and hangs up. Karun, still unconscious, calls out for his mother. Meera goes to him, and he holds her hand, asking her not to go anywhere. Kaashvi tells Meera that Karun needs her and offers to go to the Bajwa house to handle the situation. She then learns that Nagesh is unconscious and leaves.
At the Bajwa house, the guests ask Nitya to call Meera. Nitya lies, saying that Meera went to the salon to get ready. Kaashvi arrives, wearing a veil, and Nitya mistakes her for Meera. She takes Kaashvi inside and shows her a gift. Romila asks Kaashvi to show her face. Kaashvi, trying to avoid the reveal, starts coughing.
The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving the viewers eager to know what will happen next.
In the precap, Arjun learns that Kaashvi is pregnant. He asks her if she is carrying his child, setting up another dramatic turn in the story.