The head of the Court of Instruction number 3 of Catarroja, Nuria Ruiz Tobarra, who instructs the cause of the DANA on October 29, has ordered to request the 112 of the Valencian Community Las Las Las Las Las Community Aid calls “that could have made” one of the victims The day of the flood. The magistrate’s decision occurs a week after she accepted the audios of those calls at 112 provided that “case by case” there was consent of the relatives of the deceased. The judge’s resolution is not firm and in front of her there is a reform appeal within three days.
And it also occurs after this Tuesday, José María Bueno, lawyer of the former Autonomic Secretary of Emilio Argües They will end up leaking».
And he added that “given the characteristics that we can all presuppose from these calls (calls from people totally distressed by the situations they were living), they will generate authentic social alarm, in addition to the damage they can generate to the victims of the last Dana.”
Well, he considered that having those calls “will not clarify absolutely anything”, because as his client assured him: “112 did not send any communication to the Cecopiand this despite the fact that the director of the Emergency Coordination Center, who is organically depending, was part of the Cecopi ».
In addition, the judge has also agreed to the Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) to collect reports on “moral damages and sequelae” of a dozen injured in the aforementioned case.
And he has agreed to require the Savia de Paiporta residence, in the zero zone of the DANA, to inform him within five days about what circumstances “the death” of some residents occurred, as well as the identity data of the workers who were working on that afternoon and night of October 29 and that “they were witnesses of the facts.” So that once verified, proceed to your citation as witnesses.