I have put them up to date with the surprise, in addition to the same date the concerts of the Balearic Symphony Orchestra (OSIB) and also the Baroque orchestra of Seville (Obs) on March 13 in the Main Theater Palma and also in the Palma Auditorium, including in both cases The four stations of Antonio Vivaldi. The suspicion that we attended a kind of counterprogramming, I imagine that it was not sought, there, if also a few years ago the Pollença festival proposed to OSIB to go to Sant Domingo’s cloister with a specific program, which by surprise was advanced months before in its fertilizer season. Casualities?
Be that as it may, on March 13 there was no other than Choose between Vivaldi or Vivaldi. The choice was difficult, taking into account that our Francisco Fullana was the violinist-director, chosen by the OSIB. I had to think, in conscience, and Finally I opted for the obs in the auditorium And I think I was not wrong. The OSIB chose a standard formula, opening in the first part with the Symphony number 8 of Beethoven and leaving for the second part the developments of The four stations.
Insteadthe approach of the Baroque Orchestra of Seville focused exclusively on Vivaldi, in two parts perfectly set in the work of the Venetian, starting the two parties with a concert of their huge Corpus compositional, to then break down Spring and Summer In the first part, and then leaving the Autumn and Winter. As soon as I entered the Magna Hall, I was attended by the feeling that the public was there, for an immersion in the Baroque. A lot of publicby the way, taking into account an offer in duplicate.
As usually happens as a rule with the tours, the deployment was limited to the indispensable, so that on the stage we had a version of circumstances, that is, with the absence of Tiorba and Archilaus, in addition to the reduction in the reinforcement of the bass and cello. But it didn’t matter.
On stage, All standing, the six violins and the four violas, reserving the Clavecin, Board and cello for better fastening in the seat. The fact of standing the main ropes came to underline the energy of the whole, because there was no place for the holiday that is a way of referring to the usual. Rather, it was about injecting energy into the interpretation. AND The Baroque is by definition exercise of introspectionfrom the moment his starting point was to break moorings with canons for the time, to seek access to complete expressiveness, which is precisely Vivaldi’s great finding with his stations. It is no accident that we are talking about a work that advances programmatic music and is not because of the mood of its author who lives intensely the desire to unleash a plot that is being developed throughout the execution.
I couldn’t stop remembering that Visit, in the 90s, from the Cambberra Chamber Orchestraalso in the auditorium, all of it standing and delighting the public, with its energetic interpretation. That was precisely the evening with the Baroque orchestra of Seville: to live the music intensely.
I do not doubt that something similar to the OSIB will happen in the main one, only In the auditorium there was a sublime momentfor the firm commitment of the chamber as a whole, reliving a few moments longing for strength to arrive from Symphonism, which was still about to make an appearance.
It would be that In the future they were not repeated so unnecessary coincidences.