On August 19th, 2024, a tragic event unfolds in the drama Suhaagan, leaving viewers stunned. The episode begins with a devastating announcement from the doctor, who declares Swara dead. The news shocks everyone, especially Koyel and Dhwani. However, while they outwardly express shock and sorrow, their true feelings are different. They are secretly pleased with the outcome. The family struggles to understand how Swara, a healthy young woman, could die so suddenly without any signs of illness.
Koyel, in particular, puts on an elaborate show of grief. She pretends to be heartbroken over Swara’s death, trying to prove to everyone how much she loved her daughter-in-law. But beneath her facade, Koyel is actually relieved and even happy about Swara’s demise. Dhwani, too, finds it hard to believe that Swara is really gone, but she goes along with Koyel’s act. Koyel then makes a disturbing comment, suggesting that Swara is not truly dead but might still be able to hear and see what is happening around her. This idea is chilling because it implies that Swara could be aware of her own cremation.
Vedant, Swara’s husband, is deeply affected by her death. He refuses to believe that Swara is truly gone. Vedant insists on taking Swara to another doctor for a second opinion, convinced that with the right treatment, she could recover. He is determined to save her and cannot accept the idea of her death without further confirmation. Swara, who is still conscious but unable to move or speak, hears and sees everything. She is touched by Vedant’s efforts to save her and silently appreciates his love and determination.
As Vedant prepares to leave the house with Swara’s body, Koyel suddenly screams in fear upon noticing a snake on the floor. Dhwani then points out a snake bite on Swara’s leg and claims that she died from the snake’s poison. Vedant is devastated and refuses to accept that Swara is dead. He is overwhelmed with grief and begins to act irrationally. Rudra, another character, tries to bring Vedant back to reality, urging him to accept the truth. Koyel also insists that Vedant must accept Swara’s death, as the family needs to say their final goodbyes.
The family proceeds with Swara’s last rites at the Sharma house. Dhwani, continuing her act of false grief, sheds crocodile tears in front of Swara’s lifeless body. Meanwhile, Swara, who is still aware of what is happening, realizes that Koyel was behind the plot to poison her. Swara understands that Koyel saw her as an obstacle and wanted her out of the way. Despite her dire situation, Swara vows to fight back.
Naina, another character, instructs her brother to put vermilion on Swara’s forehead as a final act of love and respect. She tells him that this might be his last chance to care for Swara. When Vedant places the vermilion on Swara’s forehead, she feels a surge of emotion. Although she has been declared dead, this gesture from Vedant makes her feel like his wife one last time. Swara is heartbroken by the cruel twist of fate that has brought her to this point.
As the preparations for her cremation continue, Swara is moved to the crematorium. The priest begins chanting mantras, preparing her for her final journey. Swara, trapped in her body and unable to communicate, prays desperately to the almighty to save her life. She clings to the hope that somehow, she will be rescued before it is too late.
The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers anxious to find out what will happen next. Will Swara be saved in time, or will Koyel’s sinister plan succeed? The tension and emotional drama in this episode of *Suhaagan* keep the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next installment.
Episode ends.