On August 5th, 2024, in the supernatural drama “Shaitani Rasmein,” the episode unfolds with an intense scene. Pindari Baba hands Nikki a magical pendant. This pendant has the power to summon the spirit of her husband, Piyush, from hell. Nikki and Pindari Baba descend into the hellish realm. A hell guard confronts them, warning that no one leaves hell alive. Nikki, determined, explains she is there for her husband, insisting he is not dead. The guard dismisses this, claiming that any spirit in hell belongs to him.
Nikki pleads to see her husband’s spirit, and the guard reluctantly agrees but warns her against any tricks. She and Pindari Baba start searching for Piyush’s spirit. Soon, Nikki hears Piyush’s screams. She rushes to inform Pindari Baba, and they eventually find his spirit. The hell guard then declares their time is up, giving Nikki a final moment with Piyush. As soldiers close in on them, Pindari Baba urges Nikki to flee. He battles the soldiers, using his powers to protect her. Nikki, clutching her pendant, runs towards Piyush’s spirit.
Meanwhile, back at the palace, Vikram is begging Malik to stop the madness, offering to remain as slaves. Malik coldly orders preparations for Piyush’s last rites, stating Piyush will die soon. He draws his sword, and the scene is tense with the background music heightening the drama. Netra, one of Malik’s followers, mocks the Gehlots family, claiming Piyush’s death is an honor for Malik. She and Malik laugh while the Gehlots plead for Piyush’s life. Sumitra tries to reach Malik, but Netra blocks her path. Malik raises his sword, ready to strike.
Just then, Nikki reaches Piyush’s spirit and places the Ruraksh on his head. Piyush’s spirit is absorbed into the pendant. At the palace, the Gehlots scream as Nikki arrives. She greets Malik, who sarcastically commends her timing. Netra attempts to attack Nikki but is stopped by Malik. Malik ominously tells Nikki that Piyush will die in front of her. Netra tries to touch Nikki again but fails. Suddenly, Masanpret and other prets appear, shocking Malik.
Nikki recalls Masanpret’s promise to help her against shaitan. She explains to Masanpret that Akalsatru, an evil spirit, is residing in Piyush’s body and she needs it back. Malik, unfazed, mocks Masanpret, believing he can do nothing. Masanpret, however, confronts Akalsatru, demanding he leave Piyush’s body. Netra intervenes, but Masanpret swiftly attacks her. He warns Akalsatru that he is weaker while in a human body and strikes him.
The episode ends with Masanpret telling Akalsatru to depart from Piyush’s body, leaving viewers in suspense about what will happen next. The tension in the palace is palpable, and the fate of Piyush hangs in the balance as supernatural forces clash.