On the 16th of August 2024, an intense and dramatic episode unfolded in the popular show Shaitani Rasmein. The story took unexpected turns, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode began with Malik, a central character, losing control over his emotions. He hallucinates about Nikki, imagining romantic moments with her. However, as reality hits, he realizes he’s embracing a maid instead. The situation spirals out of control as the maid screams for help but tragically dies. Malik is left shaken, understanding that he must rein in his inner demons.
Meanwhile, Nikki, another pivotal character, is burdened with the task of obtaining the “Jivan ras” of Chandra bhediya, a mystical and dangerous substance. She is unsure of how to accomplish this as she has little knowledge about it. Nikki reflects on how Piyush, her close ally, has always been there to assist her. However, this time, Piyush is angry with her, which adds to her distress. To her surprise, Piyush appears before her. He expresses a desire to hug Nikki one last time before she leaves on her perilous journey. Netra, another character, reminds Piyush that his memory is weak and that Nikki now belongs to Malik. She sternly warns him to leave before she takes drastic measures.
Despite the tense situation, Nikki holds Piyush’s hands, feeling the weight of his words. Piyush tells her that he cannot bear to see her in pain, but he is helpless to change her circumstances, which she brought upon herself. He hands her a note, urging her to read it and to take care of herself. Nikki is moved by this gesture and becomes emotional. Malik, observing their interaction, orders Bhavani Singh to escort Nikki to the Chandra bhediya village. He coldly informs Nikki that if she fails to retrieve the “Jivan ras,” another member of the Gehlot family will perish. This ominous warning brings Nikki to tears as she departs with Bhavani Singh.
Later, as Nikki reads the note given by Piyush, she discovers it contains details about Chandra bhediya. She learns that anyone who encounters the bhediya either becomes one or dies. This revelation fills her with dread, and she doubts her ability to survive the encounter. Nikki confides in Bhavani Singh, telling him that she doesn’t expect to return alive. She asks him to relay a final message to Piyush, declaring that he is her first and last love. Bhavani Singh, showing concern, advises her to stay safe before leaving her in the Chandra bhediya village.
As Nikki ventures into the forest, the tension escalates. Suguna, another character, shares information about Chandra bhediya with Rachna, while Malik plots to create a rift between Piyush and Nikki to keep them apart. Piyush, realizing that he loves Nikki deeply, regrets not accompanying her. He resolves not to give up on her and sneaks out of the palace, determined to follow her. However, he is soon surrounded by a pack of vicious shaitan dogs. Just when it seems Piyush’s fate is sealed, Malik intervenes, saving him. Malik coldly informs Piyush that Nikki now belongs to him and that Piyush is only alive because he has a purpose. He then orders Piyush to leave.
As Nikki makes her way deeper into the forest, exhaustion overtakes her, and she collapses, losing consciousness. When she awakens, she finds herself tied up and surrounded by a tribe of people. Frightened, she pleads with them, insisting that she means no harm and that she has come to find Chandra bhediya. The tribe leader, after examining Nikki’s blood, ominously declares that Nikki is destined to die at the hands of Chandra bhediya. Nikki, bewildered and terrified, questions why she is fated to die. The leader explains that Chandra bhediya appears on every full moon night, killing one of their tribe members. However, tonight, it will be Nikki who meets her end.
The episode ends on a chilling note, leaving viewers with more questions than answers. The preview for the next episode hints at further intrigue, with Malik assigning a mysterious task to Suguna, and Vikram eavesdropping on their conversation.
Episode ends.