**Title:** Tragedy Strikes in Bhurangarh as Pratik is Killed by Malik in a Gruesome Ritual
On August 12, 2024, a dark turn of events unfolded in Bhurangarh as Malik, a central figure in the ongoing turmoil, committed a heinous act by killing Pratik. The scene was both shocking and heartbreaking for the Gehlot family, who could only watch in horror as the events transpired.
The episode began with Malik, armed and determined, approaching Pratik with lethal intent. The Gehlots, witnessing this, were overwhelmed with fear and despair, unable to intervene. As the villagers of Bhurangarh chanted Malik’s name, Nikki, desperate and helpless, sought aid from Baldevi. However, Baldevi, with a heavy heart, realized that Nikki would have to face this battle alone. Rachna, filled with dread, questioned whether Pratik would survive, but her fears were soon confirmed as Malik attacked. Pratik’s anguished screams echoed as Vikram tried to rush to his aid, only to be stopped by Netra. In the chaos, Aarohi fainted, and Sumitra broke down in tears. In a matter of moments, Malik delivered the fatal blow, ending Pratik’s life. Nikki, filled with regret, could only apologize to Pratik as his life slipped away.
After the murder, Malik performed a dark ritual, placing Nikki’s soul back into her body. Overcome with grief, Nikki rose and cried uncontrollably as she gazed upon Pratik’s lifeless body. Memories of their time together flooded her mind. Malik, having completed his task, left the scene. The Gehlots, heartbroken and desperate to reach Pratik’s body, were once again stopped by Netra. She coldly declared that Pratik, branded a betrayer, would be left for crows and eagles to consume. She further informed them that they were forbidden from performing any last rites for him, as per Malik’s orders. Aarohi, still in shock, could only stare at Pratik’s body, the reality of the situation sinking in.
In the wake of this tragedy, Bhavani Singh placed a garland on Pratik’s photo, an act of mourning. However, Suguna quickly reminded him that this was not allowed under Malik’s rule, as a new king had ascended in Bhurangarh.
The Gehlots, now broken and disheartened, retreated to a room where Sumitra confronted Aarohi. She questioned why Aarohi wasn’t shedding any tears, believing that without her tears, Pratik’s soul would not find peace. As Nikki approached the room, Aarohi, consumed by grief and anger, stopped her. Aarohi blamed Nikki for Pratik’s death, accusing her of failing to perform the Shaitani Rasmein, which could have saved him. She vowed never to forgive Nikki or Malik, breaking down in Sumitra’s arms.
Meanwhile, Netra summoned the Gehlots to the hall where she delivered more devastating news. She announced that Vikram was no longer the king of Bhurangarh. In a cruel display of power, she mocked Aarohi for not looking like a widow and forcibly removed her wedding chain, symbolizing the end of her marriage. Netra then shattered Aarohi’s bangles, further humiliating her and the Gehlots. She declared that from that moment on, the Gehlots were nothing more than servants in the palace. As she continued to insult Vikram, Piyush, enraged, attempted to intervene, but Netra quickly silenced him with a threat, even pushing him away.
The situation escalated when Netra, in a fit of malice, tried to snatch Nikki’s earrings. However, Malik, sensing the situation, intervened just in time. He sternly reminded Netra that Nikki was precious to him, revealing that she was his Swarnaprabha in a previous life. Malik made it clear that no one was to harm his favorite, and with that, he left, leaving Netra to grapple with his words.
Malik then met with Maha Shaitan, who congratulated him on his success. Malik, emboldened by his recent actions, expressed his desire to fulfill Akalsatru’s dream in his new body. However, Maha Shaitan reminded him that while he had gained much, the universe was still his domain, and Malik could only rule over Bhurangarh.
Back in the palace, Netra showed the Gehlots their new quarters, a small servant room devoid of windows. Aarohi, still reeling from the loss of Pratik, despaired at the thought of not being able to see him again. Nikki, overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow, could only weep silently.
As the episode came to a close, the atmosphere remained tense and filled with dread. In the precap, Malik confronts Nikki, asking if she plans to defy him. Nikki, resigned to her fate, assures him that she won’t. Malik then ominously informs Vikram that he intends to spend the night with Nikki, a statement that leaves Piyush seething with anger.
This tragic and intense series of events has left Bhurangarh in a state of turmoil, with the once-proud Gehlots now reduced to mere servants in their own palace. Malik’s grip on power seems unshakeable, and the future looks bleak for those who dare to oppose him.