Radicals attack a PP tent against the squatter of “You are fascists!”

Daniel Sirera, leader Popular Party In the Barcelona City Council, Ha denounced The attack that has suffered A tent against the squatting placed by the match in the neighborhood of Sant Andreu. Several people who passed through the area They have incredible to the members of the PP They were in the tent informing about the squatting. “You are fascists, they were fascists from here!” The radicals shouted, While the posters started that hung from the tent and those present tried to defend themselves.

«Defend private property and Combating illegal squatting is not fascismIt is justice. They will not intimidate us with insults or violence. We will continue working for a safe and free Barcelona, ​​despite the one despite the one, ”said Sirera in the publication in which he shared a video of the moment of the aggression.

In the shared video on social networks it is also appreciated as a woman increases the members of PP in the tent and accuses them of committing “Hate crime” for his posters against the squatting. «Okupas are people. It is a crime of hate. Disgings, fascists! That is worth 1,000 euros a room shit in Barcelona and there are people who cannot pay the rent. How were Okupas? Out you, fascist of shit! ”, The woman shouts to those present in the tent.

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Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Popular Party, He has shown his support for party members in Barcelona and denounced the facts. «The defense of private property and the safety of neighbors does not admit threats or pressures. The commitment of the Popular Party against the illegal Okupation is firm, ”said the leader popular in a publication on your social networks.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.