On August 9th, 2024, an intense episode of “Rabb Se Hai Dua” aired, filled with dramatic twists and emotional confrontations. The episode centers around Mannat and her interactions with Subhan, as well as the tension between Ibaadat, Gulnaz, and Nigar. The storyline unfolds with Mannat trying to manipulate Subhan while Ibaadat uncovers a conspiracy against her.
The episode begins with Mannat engaging in a conversation with Subhan. She pretends to be innocent and shifts the blame onto Ibaadat, accusing her of attempting to kill her. However, Subhan is skeptical and doesn’t easily buy into Mannat’s accusations. He finds it hard to believe that his wife, Ibaadat, could be capable of such a heinous act. Despite Subhan’s doubts, Mannat remains persistent, insisting that Ibaadat was feeling insecure and wanted to eliminate her from her life. Subhan, torn between his love for Ibaadat and Mannat’s convincing words, becomes increasingly confused.
Meanwhile, Ibaadat catches Nigar red-handed as she tries to conceal the truth. Ibaadat quickly realizes that Gulnaz and Nigar are in cahoots with Mannat, supporting her malicious plot. When Ibaadat confronts Nigar, she lies to protect herself. Ibaadat, disgusted by Nigar’s hypocrisy, slaps her hard. The tension escalates as Gulnaz arrives and demands to know why Ibaadat slapped Nigar. Ibaadat, resolute in her stance, refuses to listen to any excuses and vows to punish Nigar and Gulnaz for their deceit. Gulnaz and Nigar, now terrified by Ibaadat’s determination, realize they are in serious trouble.
As the drama continues, Mannat intensifies her efforts to manipulate Subhan’s thoughts. She tries to make him doubt Ibaadat’s integrity, but Subhan remains steadfast, struggling to believe Mannat’s claims. However, Mannat’s manipulation starts to take effect, and Subhan’s mind begins to waver. Just as Mannat seems to be gaining the upper hand, Ibaadat intervenes, asserting her innocence and denying any wrongdoing.
The atmosphere becomes increasingly tense as Gulnaz and Nigar fear the consequences of Ibaadat’s discoveries. They realize that if Ibaadat exposes their evil plan, they will be in grave danger. The grandmother-granddaughter duo is now paralyzed with fear, realizing that their secret may soon be revealed.
Later that night, the plot thickens as Mannat, Subhan, and Ibaadat head to the office. In a shocking turn of events, Farhan launches an attack on Mannat, further complicating the already volatile situation. Ibaadat, sensing something amiss, rushes to the office to find Mannat.
The episode concludes with the tension at its peak, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The complex web of deceit, manipulation, and betrayal continues to unravel, setting the stage for even more dramatic developments in the next episode.