On August 22, 2024, a tense series of events unfolded, filled with danger and manipulation. The day started with Farhaan mocking Subhan, making it clear that he planned to kill him. Subhan, trapped behind a glass barrier, desperately tried to escape, but his efforts were in vain. Farhaan, reveling in his cruelty, taunted Subhan, boasting about the five crores he had extorted from Subhan’s family. His laughter echoed in the room, heightening the fear and despair of his captive.
While this grim scenario played out, Kaynaat, already stressed over Subhan’s safety, pleaded with Sufi not to endanger himself by getting involved. Her motherly instincts kicked in, and she couldn’t bear the thought of losing another son. Sufi, however, was resolute. He reminded Kaynaat that she had always admired his loyalty to Subhan. Now, he felt it was his turn to protect his brother, just as Subhan had always protected him. Hafeez, overhearing this, expressed his pride in Sufi. Though he had doubted Sufi’s maturity in the past, Sufi’s determination proved that he had grown into a responsible and courageous son.
Meanwhile, Hameeda observed Armaan and Gulnaaz sharing knowing glances. Her suspicions grew, sensing that Armaan was not planning to save Subhan, but rather concocting something else with Gulnaaz. She decided not to confront them, as she didn’t want to cause more distress to Dua, who was already deeply worried about the children.
As Farhaan continued to taunt Subhan, growing more irritated with each failed escape attempt, he received a call from Mannat. Mannat accused Farhaan of kidnapping Subhan, claiming she had recognized him by his distinctive tattoo, a unique mark that only he bore in the city. Despite Farhaan’s denial, Mannat was relentless. She warned him that Ibadat had already reported him to the police, and if he didn’t release Subhan, he would soon find himself trapped in a jail cell. Farhaan tried to brush off her threats, insisting he was about to flee the country with the money he had extorted. But Mannat was shrewd. She threatened to alert international security forces, ensuring Farhaan wouldn’t even make it out of Delhi.
Realizing the gravity of his situation, Farhaan began to panic. He pleaded with Mannat to stop Ibadat from following through with the police complaint. Mannat, sensing his desperation, offered a deal. She proposed that Farhaan eliminate Ibadat, who she claimed was her enemy. In return, she would ensure he had the money to escape. Farhaan, though wary, was swayed by Mannat’s cunning words. She promised to send an agreement to formalize their deal, playing on his ego by suggesting that no one would care if a rowdy like him ended up in jail, but she couldn’t afford such risks given her respectable family background.
Later, as Ibadat searched frantically for Subhan, Hameeda confronted Gulnaaz, accusing her of deceit. She pointed out that Armaan had feigned illness earlier but was now prepared to risk everything for Subhan, despite their well-known animosity. Gulnaaz tried to defend Armaan, claiming that blood ties compelled him to act, but Hameeda remained skeptical, leading to a heated argument between the two women. Their quarrel was abruptly interrupted by Dua, who scolded them for behaving like children while their family was in peril. She urged them to pray instead of wasting time on petty arguments.
Meanwhile, the situation took a darker turn as Ibadat finally located Farhaan. Without warning, Farhaan attacked, pressing a knife to Ibadat’s neck. At that moment, Mannat struck, revealing that the entire setup was a trap designed to ensnare Farhaan. A struggle ensued, with both sides fighting fiercely. Farhaan, cornered, drew a gun and threatened to kill them both. Ibadat bravely shielded Mannat, but the tension reached a fever pitch as Farhaan fired his weapon.
The episode ended on a cliffhanger, leaving the fates of Ibadat, Mannat, and Subhan hanging in the balance. The complex web of betrayal, loyalty, and survival continues to unfold, with each character’s true intentions gradually coming to light.
Episode ends.