On August 26th, 2024, the ongoing drama in the lives of Radha and Mohan took another turn. Meera, who has been close to both Radha and Mohan, attempted to instigate Radha against Mohan. The day started with Meera speaking to Mohan, praising Radha as a good person. She told him that Radha must still have feelings for Yug because she had spent many years as his wife. Meera tried to convince Mohan that with time, Radha would completely forget Yug. Mohan, visibly disturbed by the conversation, left without saying anything, leaving Meera with a smile on her face.
Meanwhile, another part of the story unfolded as Garv tried to convince Poonam to eat something, as she had not eaten in two days. Poonam was adamant and refused to eat until Yug returned. Garv, in a stern tone, told her that Yug would not come back because he was dead. This revelation shocked Poonam, and in her denial, she slapped Garv, warning him never to say such a thing again. Poonam firmly believed that Yug was still alive and would return to her. She was haunted by memories of a spiritual conversation she had, where Yug’s spirit had told her that Mohan was responsible for his death. Despite Garv’s attempts to convince her that waiting for Yug was futile, Poonam remained in denial, insisting that Yug was still alive.
The next day, Radha was seen praying to Lord Krishna, seeking happiness for her family. She expressed her sorrow over Yug’s untimely death, acknowledging that he should not have died in such a way. Radha also apologized to Lord Krishna for her mistakes and shared her desire to celebrate Krishna Janmashtami with her family, as she had regained them. However, she admitted that she wasn’t happy in recent times and pleaded with Lord Krishna to allow them to celebrate the festival joyously.
Meera, overhearing Radha’s prayers, approached her with comforting words. She assured Radha that Lord Krishna would set everything right. Meera suggested that Radha’s sadness stemmed from her attachment to Yug, particularly because she hadn’t been able to perform the ritual of immersing his ashes in the river. Meera then insinuated that Mohan should be more understanding of Radha instead of feeling jealous, suggesting that Mohan’s actions made it seem like Radha still had feelings for Yug. This statement left Radha in shock.
On the other side of the household, Poonam was still distraught and requested Garv not to say that Yug wouldn’t return. She believed Yug would never leave her. At this moment, Vikram entered the scene, and Poonam questioned his presence. Vikram revealed that he believed Radha and Mohan were responsible for Yug’s death. He expressed his intention to search Yug’s room to find evidence against them. Poonam, defensive of Yug’s privacy, told Vikram that Yug would never allow anyone into his room. However, Vikram coldly reminded her that Yug was no longer alive to stop him, pressuring her to show him the room.
Back with Radha and Meera, Meera continued to try and create a rift between Radha and Mohan. She questioned why Mohan didn’t trust Radha and pointed out that Mohan was repeating the mistakes of the past. Meera reminded Radha of their past, hinting that their relationship wouldn’t have been severed if Mohan had trusted Radha back then. These words struck a chord with Radha, leaving her visibly shaken. Meera, noticing Radha’s reaction, reassured her that she understood her and would always support her, before leaving Radha alone with her thoughts.
As the episode drew to a close, both Mohan and Radha were left in deep contemplation. Mohan was seen reflecting on Meera’s words, while Radha was haunted by the things Meera had said, with the title song playing softly in the background, capturing the tension and emotional turmoil brewing within both characters.
The drama in Radha and Mohan’s lives continues to escalate, with Meera’s attempts to sow discord between them adding to the tension. Both Radha and Mohan are now left to grapple with their emotions and the growing complexities in their relationship. The future remains uncertain, as the characters are drawn deeper into a web of misunderstandings and unresolved issues, leaving the audience eager to see what will happen next in this unfolding saga.