On August 5, 2024, an episode of “Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti” aired, bringing with it a series of intriguing developments. The story began with Mohini holding Shakti’s anklets. She placed them in a plate of sindhur, believing that this act would revive Kundan. As Kundan’s feet began to come back to life, Mohini grew excited and quickly put the anklets on her own feet.
Meanwhile, Shiv suddenly experienced pain in his leg. Shakti, concerned, asked what was wrong. Shiv suggested it might be a cramp, and Shakti offered to help him to his room. As they moved, Shakti noticed Bhagwati searching for something.
Curious, Shakti asked Bhagwati what she was looking for. Bhagwati explained she was searching for her anklet, which she had not been able to find. Shakti, understanding the significance of the anklet as a symbol of a Suhagan, reassured Bhagwati that she and Sundari would help find it. Bhagwati insisted the anklet must be found at any cost, and Shakti agreed.
Elsewhere, Manorama was seen drawing a line with flour in the house. Dharam, puzzled, questioned her actions. Manorama declared that she was partitioning the house, stating that from now on, Dharam and Koyal would live separately from her. She emphasized that their lives, food, and even their water would be separate, indicating a significant rift within the household.
As the search for the anklet continued, Shakti, Bhagwati, and Sundari scoured the house but found nothing. The tension grew until Mohini entered, wearing the anklets. Shakti immediately asked to see Mohini’s anklets. Upon inspection, Shakti recognized one of them as her own and confronted Mohini about it.
During this confrontation, Dharam voiced his disagreement with Manorama’s decision to separate the household. Manorama, however, stood firm, stating she had always made decisions with her heart but was now using her mind. Koyal, overhearing this, expressed her acceptance of the decision, while Manorama made further comments on Koyal’s stance.
Back in the main storyline, Mohini tried to insist that the anklets were hers, wearing both on her feet. Shakti, not convinced, pointed out that one anklet belonged to her, as she could identify it by the 108 bells. She demanded Mohini remove the anklets for confirmation. Reluctantly, Mohini complied. Shakti counted the bells and found that one anklet had 103 bells while the other had 108, proving her claim correct. The episode concluded on this note, leaving viewers in anticipation of the next developments.
The drama of “Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti” continues to captivate its audience with each episode, weaving intricate storylines and emotional twists that keep fans eagerly watching.