On August 15th, 2024, the drama in the popular show Mera Balam Thanedaar reached new heights as Bulbul embarked on a tense mission to rescue her husband, Veer, from the clutches of Miti Mai. The episode begins with Bulbul urging Varadha to help her make Sulakshana understand the gravity of the situation. Bulbul insists that it is crucial to go and free Veer from Miti Mai’s control, but Sulakshana is hesitant. She feels it is necessary for Bulbul to take an arathi to Veer first. Sulakshana expresses her reluctance, saying that Veer is not only her son but also Bulbul’s husband and a dedicated police officer. She emphasizes that Bulbul must not go to him empty-handed, especially when his life is at stake.
Varadha reassures Sulakshana by telling her that their phone will always be on, and she can contact them for help whenever needed. With this assurance, Bulbul proceeds with her plan. Meanwhile, at the ashram, Miti Mai is taken aback by Bulbul’s unexpected appearance. She is annoyed, thinking that Bulbul has returned to create more problems for her. After all, Bulbul had left the ashram just a few hours ago. Nonetheless, Bulbul greets Miti Mai and requests permission to stay in the ashram. She expresses her desire to serve everyone there, but Miti Mai immediately rejects her request.
Bulbul then confesses that she cannot live without Veer and insists on staying close to him. She mentions that it is the vrid month, a time when she cannot bear to be away from her husband. She pleads with Miti Mai to let her stay, promising not to disturb Veer. Miti Mai, sensing an opportunity, thinks that she can use Bulbul to manipulate Veer, who she believes is weak and will do anything for his wife. After some consideration, Miti Mai agrees to let Bulbul stay. However, Bulbul has other thoughts. She knows that Veer is strong and that she is his strength. Her goal is to support him as his Sakthi and help him succeed in his mission.
Later, Bulbul contacts Varadha to inform him that she has searched the ashram but hasn’t found any trace of Veer. She is at a loss, not knowing where else to look. Varadha advises her to be cautious. Just then, Bulbul hears a noise and abruptly ends the call. A servant arrives to collect the food, which gives Bulbul an idea. She recalls that the same servant had brought Veer’s food last time. Bulbul decides to follow the servant, believing that he might lead her to Veer. She prepares the food and slips a secret message to Veer inside a newspaper, hoping the servant will deliver it to him unnoticed.
The servant, oblivious to the message, leaves with the food, and Bulbul discreetly follows him. She observes him entering Miti Mai’s room but cannot proceed further without being seen. Miti Mai, noticing Bulbul’s presence, confronts her and questions her actions. Bulbul quickly fabricates an excuse, claiming that she came to meet Miti Mai. However, Miti Mai sees through the lie and bluntly tells Bulbul that she knows she is searching for Veer. Miti Mai asserts that Veer is on an important mission and should not be disturbed. Despite this, Miti Mai agrees to let Bulbul meet him later, though Bulbul pretends to apologize for her intrusion.
Meanwhile, Veer discovers the hidden message from Bulbul and realizes that she is nearby, searching for him. He is aware of Miti Mai’s sinister plans for a bomb blast on August 15th, and he understands the urgency of the situation. Desperate to send Bulbul a clue, Veer deliberately sets a fire in the room where he is being held captive, hoping she will notice the smoke and investigate further.
Bulbul, sensing that something is amiss, spots the smoke and immediately heads towards Miti Mai’s room. She discovers a secret passage hidden within the room, a clue left by Veer. At the same time, Miti Mai scolds her servants for their negligence, warning them to protect Veer at all costs. Bulbul, determined to reach her husband, devises a plan. She asks Miti Mai to perform the arathi ritual, using the distraction to cut off the power supply. In the ensuing darkness, Bulbul finally manages to locate Veer.
The episode ends with Bulbul and Veer reunited, but with the knowledge that the danger is far from over. Miti Mai’s plans for the bomb blast loom large, and Bulbul’s discovery of the secret passage might be the key to thwarting her evil scheme.
Episode ends.