On August 21st, 2024, the latest episode of Megha Barsenge aired, shedding light on the ongoing tension within the household. The episode begins with Kavita, a central character, scolding Shadhananth for his inappropriate behavior towards Megha. Kavita is so frustrated that she angrily breaks a glass and decides to call Manoj to complain about Shadhananth’s actions. During the call, Shadhananth shares his side of the story with Manoj, but Manoj isn’t pleased. He reprimands Shadhananth, leading the latter to question why Manoj is taking Megha’s side. Manoj insists that Megha should not become suspicious of them, then abruptly ends the call, unaware that Megha overheard their conversation.
After the call, Manoj reaches out to Megha, explaining that Kavita told him everything. He agrees that Shadhananth’s behavior towards her was unacceptable. While on the call, Megha notices Kavita cleaning the floor. Out of concern, she offers to take over the task, but Kavita declines, stating she has already informed Manoj about what happened with Shadhananth. Kavita then leaves the room, leaving Megha alone with her thoughts.
Manoj then advises Megha that, as someone new to the family, she needs to be patient with his parents. He inquires about a message she received, and Megha shares the details, particularly her curiosity about a person named Sikandar. Manoj quickly dismisses her concerns, saying they might have been scammed and promises to uncover the truth. When Megha asks if he knows Sikandar, Manoj lies, denying any knowledge of him. He assures her that he won’t let her money go to waste and urges her to smile, but their call abruptly ends, leaving Megha feeling uneasy.
The next day, Megha finds herself confused when Kavita suddenly gets out of her wheelchair. Kavita explains that she can no longer sit in it, which surprises Megha. Trying to be helpful, Megha prepares breakfast for Kavita, explaining that she had to step in because the maid didn’t show up. To her shock, Kavita reveals that she fired the maid. Megha, still concerned about Shadhananth’s mood, asks if he is still angry with her. Shadhananth enters, complaining of a headache, prompting Megha to apologize for misunderstanding him the day before. Shadhananth acknowledges that he shouldn’t have spoken to her so harshly. Seeking their approval, Megha mentions her desire to teach dance to a client, explaining that she’s already accepted an advance payment and that Manoj doesn’t object.
However, both Kavita and Shadhananth strongly oppose her decision. Shadhananth is particularly adamant, stating that while Megha might dance in Georgia, she’s not allowed to do so in his house. Kavita adds that guests are expected to arrive soon to meet Megha, so she can’t leave the house. Megha, standing her ground, agrees not to go out that day but asserts that she won’t give up her job. She insists that there’s nothing wrong with dancing and retreats to her room.
Later, Megha receives a video call from Ranjeet. When Surendar, another character, sees her crying, he immediately asks what’s wrong. Megha admits that she’s missing them, clearly feeling the emotional toll of her current situation.
As the day progresses, Shadhananth’s friends arrive at his house. They start drinking together, while Megha busies herself making pakoras for them. Kavita, uninterested in their gathering, goes to her room to watch her favorite TV show. She calls Megha and asks for water, which Megha dutifully brings. After noticing a water jug in the room, Megha offers Kavita a drink, then leaves to continue her tasks. Kavita, however, soon demands tea, while Shadhananth calls out for Megha to bring him a beer bottle and pour it into his glass.
The episode concludes with Megha juggling these conflicting demands from her in-laws, highlighting the ongoing struggles she faces within her new family.
Episode ends.