On August 16, 2024, a dramatic twist unfolded in the lives of Megha and her family. The day began with Manoj, Megha’s fiancé, expressing a sudden change in priorities. He told Surendar, Megha’s father, that their planned marriage must be postponed because he had to prioritize his sister Kavita’s surgery. Manoj apologized to Surendar, emphasizing that Kavita’s well-being was his immediate concern. Goldie, a close family member, suggested that the wedding could take place after the surgery, but Manoj was insistent. He explained that he needed to travel to Georgia to secure the funds for the surgery, and he had no idea when he would be able to return.
Manoj further explained that he had to sign a bond to obtain the loan for the surgery, which meant he would be unable to leave Georgia until the loan was fully repaid. He made it clear that his parents were his top priority at the moment and that he needed to handle this matter alone. Despite Goldie’s suggestion that he could get married before leaving, Manoj declined, stating that he could not focus on the wedding under these circumstances. Megha supported Manoj’s decision, telling him that they would stand by him no matter what. Manoj then asked Megha’s family to leave, as the nurse needed them to clear the area.
Afterward, Megha had a conversation with Surendar. She asked if they could use the 5 lakhs that had been saved for her future to help Manoj with the surgery. Surendar was hesitant, explaining that the money was meant for her security. Megha argued that Manoj was her future, but Surendar reminded her that they were not married yet. Despite this, Megha insisted that Manoj had been there for them when they needed help, and she wanted to do the same for him. Manoj overheard this conversation and refused to accept the money. He assured Megha that he would marry her once he returned from Georgia, which earned him Surendar’s blessing before he left. Manoj thanked Megha for her support and told her that he was fortunate to have her in his life. The two shared a tender moment as Megha hugged Manoj.
However, as soon as Manoj entered Kavita’s room, his demeanor changed. He saw her eating and immediately snatched the food plate from her hands, warning her not to jeopardize his plans by becoming ill. Kavita argued that she needed to eat, but Manoj was firm, refusing to let anything derail his scheme. Meanwhile, Manoj’s father criticized him for not accepting the money from Megha’s family. Manoj defended his decision, explaining that accepting the money outright would have made Ranjeeta, a key figure in the plot, suspicious. Kavita then questioned what would happen if Megha’s family refused to give them more money in the future, but Manoj was confident that wouldn’t be an issue. He revealed that his real target was not the 5 lakhs but a much larger sum—25 lakhs.
The next day, Manoj called Megha to inform her that he was leaving for Georgia that night and asked her to meet him. After hanging up, he told his father that Megha was likely at the bank, where she was trying to arrange money for his supposed store in Georgia. The two discussed their plan in detail. At that moment, a doctor entered the room, criticizing them for not paying their room rent and other dues. The doctor demanded full payment in advance, further complicating their situation.
Later, Surendar and Megha arrived at the hospital. Surendar assured the doctor that he would receive full payment, prompting the doctor to leave. Surendar then told Manoj that relationships were more important than money, and once again, Manoj refused to accept the money. However, Megha managed to convince him to take it. Surendar handed over a cheque to Manoj, who promised to repay the amount. Manoj’s father, sensing an opportunity, encouraged Surendar to start preparing for the wedding. Manoj then asked Megha to send her documents for visa processing, ostensibly so they could begin a new life together.
Later that evening, Megha looked up at the stars, reflecting on her life. Surendar advised her to become a star like Ranjeeta, a woman they both admired, instead of following his path. Ranjeeta, who was also present, reminded Megha that Surendar had always been like the sky—steady and vast, guiding them all.
Meanwhile, Manoj met with a loan officer, handing over Megha’s documents and requesting a loan of 15 lakhs. The officer reminded Manoj that he had already borrowed 10 lakhs from a man named Sikhandar. Manoj assured him that he would repay Sikhandar after the marriage, adding another layer to his web of lies. He fabricated a story, claiming that Megha was taking out the loan for her brother.
As the day came to an end, Manoj’s deceptive plans were firmly in motion, leaving Megha completely unaware of the betrayal she was about to face.
Episode ends.