On August 13th, 2024, emotions ran high in the lives of Janvi, Anushka, and Kian as tensions flared over an unexpected incident. The day began with Kian sneaking out of his house, carefully placing pillows under his blanket to give the illusion that he was still asleep. His plan was to visit Janvi at a hotel, leaving his family unaware of his departure.
Meanwhile, Janvi was on the phone with Premchand, expressing her inner turmoil. She admitted to Premchand that while she was hurting Aryaman, she felt the pain herself. Premchand, understanding the necessity of their actions, reassured her that it had to be done. Concerned, Janvi inquired about Kian’s well-being. Premchand assured her that Kian was fine and resting peacefully in his bed, unaware of Kian’s secretive plans.
Aryaman, ever the concerned figure, brought Janvi some medication prescribed by a doctor. Noticing her distracted state, Aryaman asked if she was thinking about Kian. Though Kian was resting, Aryaman tried to alleviate Janvi’s worries, but she coldly informed him that she hadn’t asked about Kian. She insisted that she was no longer bound by her maternal duties towards Kian, telling Aryaman not to concern her with Kian’s whereabouts. This cold detachment was unlike Janvi, and it left Aryaman deeply troubled. Despite Janvi’s resistance, Aryaman insisted she take her medicine, refusing to leave her side until she complied.
During this time, Murali informed Aryaman that the man who had previously attacked Janvi had escaped. However, they discovered that Panchal was behind the attack. Aryaman, filled with anger, was ready to confront Panchal, but Janvi advised him against it, reminding him of the dangers.
Suddenly, the household was thrown into chaos when they heard Kian shouting for help. Aryaman and Janvi rushed to his side, discovering that Kian had injured himself by stepping on a shard of glass. Janvi, concerned and frustrated, questioned Kian’s presence at the location. Kian explained that he had heard about Janvi’s injury and had come to check on her, but in doing so, he had hurt himself. Despite her initial anger, Janvi tended to Kian’s wound, scolding him for coming all the way to see her. Kian, undeterred, expressed his desire for Janvi to stay with him, even though she insisted she was merely his aunt and had no right to interfere in his life. Kian, however, insisted that she was the only one he wanted by his side.
The tension escalated when Janvi returned to the Bundela mansion with Kian in tow. Premchand was surprised to see her, reminding her that she had left the house. Janvi, ignoring his words, focused on Anushka, criticizing her for not taking better care of Kian. She recounted how Kian had come to her barefoot in the middle of the night, leading to his injury. Janvi’s harsh words stung as she blamed Anushka, and even Aryaman, for failing to protect Kian. She accused Aryaman of neglecting his responsibilities towards his family while being preoccupied with her.
Premchand intervened, asking Janvi to leave and promising to take care of Kian for the night. Meanwhile, Murali shared his suspicions with Ritu about the involvement of Panchal in the attack on Janvi. Given the busy election period, Murali found it hard to believe that Panchal’s men had time to plot such an attack. Ritu speculated that someone else might be behind the attack, suggesting that Pushkar might have misled them. Murali, determined to uncover the truth, planned to review the CCTV footage.
As Janvi prepared to leave, her dupatta got caught on a nail. In a moment of mistaken belief, she thought Aryaman was holding her back. When Aryaman appeared before her, she realized it was just the nail. Aryaman pleaded with Janvi to abandon her anger and stay, but Janvi, still deeply hurt, refused. She reminded Aryaman of the pain he had caused her, leaving him with a sense of regret and helplessness.
The day ended with unresolved tensions, as the relationships between Janvi, Anushka, and Aryaman remained strained. The incident with Kian served as a reminder of the underlying issues within the family, setting the stage for more conflicts in the future.