less than 25% secund the strike

This Monday, the Physician and Nurses Union CEMSATSE They have summoned a strike in Aragon to protest what they consider a “decretazo” of the executive of Jorge Azcón to the Primary Care From the Department of Health.

However, strike participation figures have not reached a 25% in all Aragon. A “minimal participation”, that the Department of Health led by José Luis Banalerohe sees it as a “support” to the reform of primary care.

The strike for health in Aragon

“The data is a reality,” said the manager of the Health, Ana Castilloat a press conference after communicating the follow -up figure of the strike day in the primary care in Aragon in 21.69% to 11:30 hours, according to the official data collected from the signature sheets of the health workers.

That is, only 670 health workers (none belonging to the night shift) in front of the 2,088 professions a Those who corresponded to perform their work on Monday. The bulk of the protest has concentrated in Zaragoza, with a follow -up of 35.75%, 6.79% in Huesca and 0.61% in Teruel.

By tenor of this data, from the Department of Health they have stressed that «although the calls of the strike alert that the reform will affect to the rural world, The almost null support in these areas is evident ”, since only 4 professionals in Teruel have seconded.

For its part, the CEMSATSE Physician and Nursing Union has valued the strike “a success” the tracking of the strike, and elevates above the 95% support in the Urban Zaragoza. However, the figure is not obtained based on any objective data, by any barimeter but, as they themselves have answered, “our partners have told us.”

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The mobilization has included a concentration at 12:00 hours in the noon before the Ministry of Health and Health, where the spokesmen of the Cesmaragón, Saste and Fasamet unions, which integrates CEMSATSE, They have attended to the media, to demand “a sincere negotiation” of the “decretazo” or will continue with the approved actions calendar, which contemplates a New strike day On March 31, which contemplate that it is indefinite “if there are no advances.”

It should be noted that this reform was approved by majority a month ago, at the Sectorial Health Table, with the favorable votes of CSIF, CCOO and FTPS (State Union of Higher Health Technicians), the abstention of UGT and, against, CEMSATSE, which is the one that has summoned the strike, since they argue that “attempts against labor rights” and “does not improve the quality of citizens’ care.”

The Health Reform in Aragon

What is the reform that has been proposed to carry out the Aragon government to optimize resources? As explained by the bench at the beginning of the debate on this issue, “we must face The lack of doctors in order to improve the quality of patients’ care ».

For this, Banalero proposes that attention to the urgent demand for primary care develops in specialty medical centers, modifying the 1997 standard.

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As argued from the Ministry, the current regulations must be updated to “the increase in demand and the lack of professionals”, as well as the consequences of the reduction of working hours. Hence «a new model for attention is needed URGENT DEMAND OF PRIMARY CARE (Duap) in the city of Zaragoza ».

The Plan proposes that attention to urgent demand in primary care is carried out in CMedical entrachs of specialties Ramón y Cajal and Pablo Remacha (for users living in the health areas of the Zaragoza II sector); Great Covián, for Sector iand Innocent Jiménez, for sector III.

In this way, the users of the Zaragoza II sectorwhich is the one that has as reference the U Miguel Servet, currently has two continuous attention points (Northern Fuentes and Sagasta) and two others (Ramón and Cajal and Pablo Remacha) will be maintained). Those of Sector III (have the clinical hospital as a reference) will have the attention point of the Health Centers of Bombarda to Al CME Innocent Jiménez, and in those of sector I this attention will be organized in the CME large covián.

The key strategies of this proposal that arises for Zaragoza Urban simplify and order resources.

He schedule It increases (four more hours of day) and will be from 3:00 p.m. to 22.00 from Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. In these centers, it is committed to having technology to perform different complementary tests, blood tests and image tests.

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In this way, the plan is going to Reduce the number of health cards of professionals who have more saturation, allowing the recommendation of the World Health Organization for 1,500 users for doctors. Currently, there are health centers where doctors have more than 1,800 patients assigned. This is the case in centers such as Casablanca or Romareda-Seminar.

Indefinite strike threat

The Health Manager, Ana Castillo, has argued that the reform faces the improvement of primary care and continued care «to solve a problem that had been dragging for years and that the professionals themselves and society itself I was sue». Something that does not convince the only union that is against.

This Tuesday a meeting of the strike committee with the Aragonese Health Service is convened to face the situation and Continue negotiating himto reform of this standard.

Both parties trust to finally reach an agreement and recognize that last week they made progress in the negotiation, although they maintain the pact of not making known at what points the frictions have exceeded. As a starting point, Health has ruled out the withdrawal of the decree, a point that the convening unions claim, which first defend the «willfulness»Of the workers to join the modifications of day.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.