On August 12, 2024, a dramatic event unfolded in the lives of Prahlad and his father, Hiranyakashyap. Hiranyakashyap, desperate to sway his son’s unwavering devotion to Lord Narayana, attempted a drastic measure. He demanded that Prahlad promise never to mention the name of Narayana again. However, Prahlad, strong in his faith, refused.
Hiranyakashyap, frustrated by his son’s defiance, decided to resort to a heinous act. He called for his son’s favorite laddo, a sweet that he intended to poison with his own hands. His wife, Kayadu, was horrified by this decision and pleaded with him to reconsider. She feared for their son’s life and begged him to show mercy. Hiranyakashyap, however, was firm in his resolve. He believed that Kayadu’s love for their son was the reason for Prahlad’s disobedience and insisted that she bring the laddo.
Meanwhile, the divine beings Narayan and Lakshmi were watching these events unfold. Sukhracharya, another observer, tried to reason with Prahlad, questioning why he would risk his life for Narayana. But Prahlad was determined. He returned a book of punishments to his father and challenged him. He stated that if a devotee could prove their faith, they should receive a reward. He proposed that if he survived after eating the poisoned laddo, his father must accept his devotion to Narayana and allow him to continue chanting his name.
Hiranyakashyap, confident in the lethal power of the poison, agreed to Prahlad’s terms. He took the poison from a snake and mixed it into the laddo, declaring that Prahlad would receive death as his gift. Despite Kayadu’s desperate pleas for mercy, Prahlad remained calm. He told his mother not to worry, assuring her that Narayana would protect him.
As Prahlad prepared to eat the laddo, Lakshmi expressed her concern to Narayan, asking how he would save Prahlad from such a deadly venom. Narayan acknowledged the danger but remained confident in Prahlad’s pure devotion. Prahlad’s unwavering faith would protect him, Narayan assured her.
When the moment came, Prahlad began to eat the poisoned laddo, fully trusting that Narayan would save him. As he did so, Narayan, in the divine realm, absorbed the poison, taking on its effects to save his devotee. Narayan grew weak and fell, but Lakshmi was there to support him. Despite his own suffering, Narayan remained committed to protecting Prahlad.
Prahlad’s parents were shocked to see their son alive after consuming the deadly laddo. Hiranyakashyap, refusing to believe in Narayan’s power, dismissed it as mere magic. But Prahlad knew the truth. He declared that his survival was a result of his love and faith in Narayan. He asked his father to fulfill his promise and allow him to perform a Puja for his god.
The episode ended with a powerful message about the strength of true devotion and the lengths to which a god would go to protect a faithful devotee. Narayan’s willingness to take on the poison for Prahlad demonstrated the deep bond between the divine and the devoted, proving that faith can indeed move mountains—or in this case, save lives.